Decision details

Application No DOV/13/0142 – Outline application for the erection of a detached chalet bungalow - Pine Cottage, Manor Avenue, Deal

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee viewed photographs of the site.  The Chairman reminded Members that the application had been deferred at the meeting held on 16 May 2013 in order for a site visit to take place to assist Members in considering the effect on the street scene and whether the site could accommodate an additional dwelling.  All matters were open for discussion.


The Head of Regeneration and Development reminded the Committee that the proposed development site was situated within the Deal urban confines and was therefore considered an acceptable location for residential development.  Members would need to consider whether there were any specific site factors that would militate against development.  In terms of visual amenity, Members would need to consider its impact on the character of the street scene and spatial setting, as well as its impact on trees and the frontage hedge.  On residential amenity, as an outline application only, all matters were reserved and it was likely that a design which did not adversely effect neighbouring properties could be achieved.  Other factors raised by objectors were highways and harm to wildlife.  The KCC Highways and Transportation Engineer confirmed that, as a private road, KCC would not be concerned with matters of on-street parking and would only consider junction access which was deemed acceptable.


Councillor B W Butcher reported the outcome of the site visit held on 11 June 2013.   Members had noted that the distance between some houses in the road was less than that proposed between the application site and adjacent properties.  The height of the proposed dwelling was also consistent with the height of adjacent dwellings.   However, Members had concerns relating to the protection of mature trees at the site, including an oak and pine trees.  A majority of Members had voted in favour of granting permission, recommending that conditions be attached to address concerns relating to trees and a frontage hedge and an informative regarding bats, with all matters relating to the full application to be reserved for the Planning Committee.


Councillor B Gardner stated what, whilst the site was large enough to accommodate a dwelling, he was concerned that the attractive frontage hedge would be removed to make way for off-street parking.  Access at this point was also likely to affect the oak tree, particularly during construction works.  


RESOLVED:   (a)        That Application No DOV/13/0142 be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


                                     (i)       Application for reserved matters of a single storey dwelling;


                                     (ii)      Plans and particulars to be submitted and carried out as approved;


                                     (iii)      Application for reserved matters to be made within 3 years;


                                     (iv)     The development shall be begun before the expiration of 2 years;


                                     (v)      Full details of hard and soft landscaping, including boundary treatment;


                                     (vi)     No side windows at first floor level;


                                     (vii)    The ridge height shall not exceed 7 metres;


                                     (viii)    All landscaping to be carried out within 12 months;


                                     (ix)     Landscaping to be replaced if it dies or is removed within 5 years;


                                     (x)      Measures to protect existing trees and frontage hedge during the construction period;


                                     (xi)     Material samples;


                                     (xii)    Space to be laid out for the parking of cars;


                                     (xiii)    Sight lines at the vehicle access to be provided 2 metres x 33 metres to the south;


                                     (xiv)   Pre-code assessment to be submitted with reserved matters application;


                                     (xv)    Code for sustainable homes level 4;


                                     (xvi)   Provision of a shed for secure bicycle storage.


                         (b)        Bat Informative.


                         (c)        That powers be delegated to the Head of Regeneration and Development to settle any necessary planning conditions in line with the issues set out in the recommendation and as resolved by the Planning Committee.

Report author: Rachel Humber

Publication date: 04/07/2013

Date of decision: 13/06/2013

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2013 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: