Agenda and minutes

Dover District Locality Board (pre-implementation) - Wednesday, 6th February, 2013 2.00 pm

Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; (h) General Purposes Committee and (i) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

For those meetings that are being broadcast there will be a link to view the live broadcast under the ‘Media’ heading below. Only those items not restricted on the agenda will be broadcast.

Guidance on how to watch live broadcasts of meetings.

The link to view a recording of a meeting that was broadcast can be found on the Council’s YouTube channel (@doverdc)

Venue: HMS Brave Room - Council Offices. View directions

Contact: Kate Batty-Smith  Democratic Support Officer

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from District Councillors P A Watkins and S S Chandler, and Sue Rogers and Jackie Taylor-Smith (Kent County Council). 


Appointment of Substitute Members

To note appointments of Substitute Members.


It was noted that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4, Councillor N S Kenton had been appointed as a substitute for Councillor S S Chandler.


Notes pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To confirm the attached Notes of the meeting of the Board held on 27 November 2012.


Subject to moving Councillors Carter and Whiting from 'Officers' to 'Also Present', the Notes of the meeting of the Board held on 27 November 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Troubled Families

To receive an update from Natalie Reeves, KCC Programme Manager and Christopher Allen, DDC Community Safety, CCTV and Parking Manager.


The Board received a presentation from the Community Safety, CCTV and Parking Manager and Nathalie Reeves, KCC Local Delivery Project Manager for Dover district, on the Troubled Families Programme, a 3-year Government initiative whose aim, working with local authorities and partners, was to help 120,000 troubled families in England turn their lives around.  In Dover district 113 families had been identified who met the qualifying criteria relating to education (truancy or exclusion) and crime/anti-social behaviour.  The project took a 'whole family' approach, with targeted interventions by a team working to a plan for each family.  Funding from central Government had now been agreed and the complement of staff for Dover district would be a Local Project Delivery Manager and two Family Intervention Project Workers.  There would also be the opportunity to bid for additional funds to meet local needs.  In terms of governance, the South Kent Coast Health and Well-Being Board would be the accountable body and the Dover Anti-Social Behaviour Action Group (DASBAG) – a sub-group of the Dover District Community Safety Partnership - would act as the local operations group.  DASBAG had already been set up to explore ways of dealing with difficult families in Dover district and comprised representatives from social services, housing, probation, Kent Police and other agencies.  Partner agencies would validate the list of families through DASBAG and would consider adding families who were not on the list.  An updated list of families was available on the Troubled Families SharePoint portal. 


In response to questions, Ms Reeves confirmed that representatives from the Headteachers' Forum, Kent Fire & Rescue and the armed forces were members of DASBAG.  The Community Safety, CCTV and Parking Manager undertook to report on progress to the Locality Board, acknowledging that it was important to monitor outcomes, given the significant resources that were to be invested in the initiative.  The Chief Executive commented that a sustainable approach was needed which focused on individuals and not just targets, so that behaviour was changed permanently and not just for the life of the project.  It was also important that DASBAG continued to address anti-social behaviour issues not linked to the troubled families' project.  Ms Reeves responded that, although future plans were unknown, practitioners would be persistent and families would not simply be abandoned.  The Community Safety, CCTV and Parking Manager recognised that anti-social behaviour was not always an issue with troubled families.  However, it was considered logical for DASBAG to be involved since its membership included all the relevant agencies.  DASBAG would continue to address all anti-social behaviour issues.


AGREED:        (a)        That the presentation be noted.


                         (b)        That a report be brought to the next meeting, to include proposals for measuring Troubled Families outcomes.


Sub-Group Updates pdf icon PDF 55 KB

(a)        Libraries (see attached)

(b)        Student Progression Working Group

(c)        Youth

(d)        Education Provision


(1)          Library Services


Councillor L B Ridings referred Members to the update report.  Aylesham Parish Council had suggested that Gateway could deliver services from the library and this was being considered.    The setting up of a community interest company and the suitability of the library building were being considered for Sandwich.  A meeting with St Margaret's-at-Cliffe Parish Council was due to be held.  Ms Spore advised that public consultation was underway on the Dover Discovery Centre as part of the review of all library services, and would be considered by the Cabinet Member when the final decision was taken.   


(2)          Student Progression Working Group


Councillor C J Smith advised that a meeting would be held within the following two weeks to carry out scoping as outlined in the Group's terms of reference.   A report would be made to the next meeting of the Board on how to align the different elements. 


(3)          Youth Services


Ms Spore advised Members that interim arrangements had been implemented for buildings where an expression of interest had been made.   No decision on the Dover district under-spend had been taken.  The Alternative Service Delivery Manager suggested that it would be useful for the Kent Children's Fund Network to attend the next meeting to give an operational update.   He advised that the DDC Portfolio Holder for Community, Housing and Youth had lobbied her KCC counterpart with regard to the under-spend remaining in the district. 


(4)          Education Provision


Councillor Ridings advised that some decisions on the expansion of schools in west Kent had been taken.   Discussions on numbers in east Kent would be taken after the elections in May, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and KCC Members.   Up-to-date figures would be provided to KCC to ensure that the data used in making final decisions were accurate.   Ms Spore emphasised that it was critical for the Basic Needs programme to know when new housing would be coming forward so that appropriate plans could be made.


AGREED:        (a)        That the updates on Libraries, the Student Progression Working Group, Youth Services and Education Provision be noted.


                         (b)        That the Kent Children's Fund Network be invited to the next meeting of the Board to provide an update on operations.


Partnership Review - Progress to Date

To receive an update from the Leadership Support and Corporate Communication Manager on the following:


·           Dover Adult Strategic Partnership

·           Dover Community Safety Partnership

·           Dover Local Children's Trust Board

·           Joint Transportation Board

·           Neighbourhood Forums


The Leadership Support and Corporate Communication Manager advised that, given KCC's ongoing review of Local Children's Trust Boards across the county, it had been considered appropriate to delay a report on partnerships until the next meeting.  The purpose of the report would be to identify the remit, outcomes, funding streams, linkages and areas of duplication of the current partnerships, and make proposals on where these might be streamlined.  


AGREED:        That the update be noted. 


South Kent Coast Health and Wellbeing board Update

To receive an update.


The Leadership Support and Corporate Communication Manager advised that, in preparation for its formal establishment in April, the Board had considered two papers which were circulated, namely a draft Action Plan and sub-structure proposals.  The Board was advised that an integrated commissioning support framework would be developed which would see budgets pooled and services commissioned jointly. Discussions had been held regarding communication, with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) indicating that it was keen to build on its communication strategy, and expand communication with other CCGs in the south east.   Ms Spore undertook to find out how other Kent Locality Boards were operating.


AGREED:        That the update on the South Kent Coast Health and Wellbeing Board be noted.


Local Childrens' Trust Board pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To receive the attached update from the KCC Community Engagement Officer.

Additional documents:


In response to Councillor B R Cope, the Alternative Service Delivery Manager advised that the practice of headteachers attending Local Children's Trust Board (LCTB) meetings appeared to have lapsed.   DDC was represented on the Board and was able to articulate its views on priorities.  It was essential that others were also represented to ensure that priorities were aligned.  It was suggested that an update on the review of LCTBs would be helpful.


AGREED:        That the update on Local Children's Trust Boards be noted.


Expansion East Kent pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To receive the attached briefing paper from the KCC Programme Manager.


Ms Spore referred Members to the report.   The list of successful applications included in the report was not definitive; a list of unsuccessful applications could be provided.  In response to Members' comments, it was acknowledged that some companies had found the application process complicated, but improvements had been made and guidance was available.  


AGREED:        (a)        That a list of unsuccessful applications be provided to the Board.   


                         (b)        That information be provided for the next meeting detailing where Expansion East Kent funding is being spent, in particular the amount allocated to east Kent businesses.


Future Meeting Dates

Subject to KCC and DDC confirmation, the next meeting date is Tuesday 25 June 2013 at 2.00 pm.


It was noted that, due to the KCC elections, the next Locality Board meeting would not be held until 25 June 2013.