Agenda item

Sub-Group Updates

(a)        Libraries Sub-Group – To receive a verbal update.


(b)        Student Progression Working Group:


            (i)         To agree the attached terms of Reference and Membership of the Student Progression Working Group.


            (ii)        To receive an update from Councillor Kit Smith on K College.


            (iii)       To receive an update from Councillor Kit Smith on Walmer Science and Castle Community College.


(c)        Youth Sub-Group – To receive an update from Nigel Baker, KCC Head of Kent  Youth Service.



(1)          Library Services


Ms Taylor-Smith advised that KCC was seeking to make savings from library services of £1 million between 2014 and 2016.  KCC's Families and Social Care team had expressed an interest in using the first floor at Deal library.   In respect of Dover, the Board was advised that plans were underway to reconfigure the Discovery Centre.  Members commented that a comprehensive reconfiguration was necessary, and that DDC officers should be consulted as they were familiar with the building.   Ms Spore added that KCC would be reviewing the whole estate to ensure that it was used as effectively as possible, not only for KCC services but others too.  


In respect of Ash, Ms Taylor-Smith advised that another meeting would be held with the Parish Council and other groups to discuss the possibility of delivering library services from the village hall.  On Aylesham, the Sub-Group would be discussing future library services with the KCC Cabinet Member and the Parish Council.   The Alternative Service Delivery Manager commented that the location at Aylesham would be key.  In respect of the mobile service at St Margaret's, Councillor Watkins suggested that usage could be increased by better coordination with major events and activities taking place in the village.  Ms Taylor-Smith advised that a KCC team would be reviewing the mobile service and agreed that the Sub-Group should be involved.  Sandwich Town Council had been approached to see if it was interested in utilising the first floor of Sandwich library, and KCC would be following this up. 


(2)          Student Progression Working Group


Councillor C J Smith advised that the Student Progression Working Group had been established to look at ways of simplifying the progression route from school through to employment for students, schools and providers.


Councillor L B Ridings informed the Board that there had been two well-attended public consultation meetings at Walmer Science College and Castle Community School regarding the potential closure of Walmer in preparation for a merger with Castle Community.  A number of concerns had been raised, including academic outcomes and particularly the ability to offer options at years 9 and 11; existing and future numbers at the school; protecting the maritime section at Walmer and staffing.  A school in excess of 700 pupils was needed to generate funds and provide a broad curriculum.   The number of primary pupils in Deal was forecast to decrease, and the Sholden development was not expected to generate an increase within 2 years.   Dover's primary population was set to increase marginally in 2016, but the Whitfield and Aylesham developments would push that up. 


Ms Spore reassured members that KCC would work closely with the academy to ensure that staffing the new school was a fair process.   The maritime section would be safe for around 5 years, and it was hoped that it would be retained in order to maximise job opportunities for local pupils.   Castle Community had been successful under the Priority Build Programme, and the Education Funding Agency would have looked at its long-term capacity needs (10-15 years) when making the decision.  In response to Councillor Watkins, it was clarified that maintained school buildings would be leased on a short-term basis for a peppercorn rent.


Councillor C J Smith reported the situation with regard to K College.   Financial difficulties had emerged one year after the college's merger.   The Licensing and Skills Improvement Service had now been brought in and College governors had accepted a proposed recovery plan.  


(3)          Youth Sub-Group


Mr Baker referred Members to an additional paper which provided an update on the implementation of the new delivery model for youth services.   It was evident from the number of youth organisations that had tendered that the voluntary sector was interested in, and capable of, delivering youth services in Kent.   The evaluation process had been a long and complex one but was now complete and services had been commissioned.  


The new youth centre in Deal would receive £200,000 from Section 106 contributions.  KCC would cover the remaining capital cost of £1.1 million.  12 youth centres would be retained across Kent, and uses for those that were surplus to requirements would be discussed with the KCC Cabinet Member.  For example, the Kent Children's Fund Network (KCFN) had indicated that it might look at using satellite centres in rural areas.  


Councillor Chandler expressed disappointment that the Locality Board assessment group had not been involved in all aspects of the assessment process, for example it had not seen the total offer from each bidder which had made it difficult to make an informed judgement on the price.  Another shortcoming in the process had been that local groups were not able to bid for part of a lot.   It was evident that a lot of organisations had worked very hard to submit bids and this deserved to be recognised.  Councillor Cowan raised concerns that assessment papers had been circulated late, and that the results had not been fed back to members of the group or the Board.


Councillor Chandler added that not all of the £136,000 budget had been allocated.  It was hoped that any Dover underspend would be used to provide extra services over the 3-year period in the district.  It was also hoped that KCC would take a pragmatic approach to the use of surplus buildings so that they could be utilised by new providers. 


Mr Baker accepted that there had been shortcomings in the assessment process and comments had been taken on board.  On buildings use, KCC was obliged to operate within the procurement framework and bids could not be changed once accepted.   A number of lots in Kent had been awarded to more than one provider where both providers' scores and offers justified this.  Some districts had seen a significant overspend in budget allocation.  A decision on how the unallocated money would be used would be taken by the KCC Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities. 


Overall, rather than the current centre-based provision, there would be greater coverage across the whole district, with increased mobile provision in rural areas.     Street-based and mobile providers would be encouraged to make use of local satellite facilities.  Contractors would also be encouraged to liaise with community groups to identify the services that were needed.


In response to Councillor Cowan, Ms Spore advised that a meeting was scheduled to look at the future of Archers Court and Aylesham youth centres.  All options would be considered and KCC was happy to hold discussions with community groups.  It was stressed that KCC did not want buildings left empty and boarded up.  Aylesham Parish Council had already been given information relating to the possible registration of the youth centre as an Asset of Community Value. 


AGREED:        (a)        That the Terms of Reference and Membership of the Student Progression Working Group be agreed.


                         (b)        That the updates on Libraries, the Student Progression Working Group and the Youth Sub-Group be noted.


                         (c)        That the Head Teachers of Castle Community and Walmer Science College be invited to attend the next meeting of the Locality Board for a presentation from Ms Rebecca Spore.


                         (d)        That youth services providers be invited to attend the next Locality Board meeting.


                         (e)        That a report be brought to the Board in spring/summer to update members on the delivery of youth services.

Supporting documents: