Committee details

Scrutiny (Policy and Performance) Committee

Purpose of committee

The Overview and Scrutiny function is central to the constitution. Government guidance makes it clear that Overview and Scrutiny committees should be powerful committees which meet in public to discuss and make recommendations on the development of policies and hold the executive to account for its actions. They also have a key role in considering other matters of local concern.


Scrutiny – Areas of Remit

Scrutiny (Policy and Performance) Committee

1.    Budget and Major Policy

2.    Call-in

3.    Performance Monitoring and Improvement

4.    Scrutiny Co-Ordination




Contact information

Support officer: Rebecca Brough. Democratic Services Manager

Postal address:
Dover District Council
White Cliffs Business Park
CT16 3PJ

Phone: (01304) 872304

Fax: (01304) 872453
