Issue - meetings

Review of On and Off-Street Parking Charges

Meeting: 14/03/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 127)


To consider the attached report of the Head of Commercial Services.

Additional documents:


The Head of Commercial Services presented the annual Review of On and Off-Street Parking Charges. The Portfolio Holder for Transport, Licensing and Regulatory Services, Councillor M Bates, was also in attendance.


Members were advised that parking charges were last increased in Dover District in June 2020, having previously been frozen for four years before then.


A full review of resident parking schemes was currently underway with consideration being given to the option of reducing the size of some permit zones. There were also additional permit zones being implemented. All new schemes would be presented to the Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board.


In respect of the Council’s rural car parks, the Head of Commercial Services was of the view that in the current economic situation there was not a sufficient case for introducing charging. In addition, if charging were to be introduced it would have to be on a cashless charge system only and a more comprehensive trial of this method of sole payment was required prior to implementation. While it was acknowledged that cashless parking would be important for the future, there was a limited debate for it at present.


The overall impact of the proposed charges was forecast to generate additional income which was needed to fund required maintenance and enforcement activity. However, Members were informed that the Council had seen a significant impact on parking demand as a result of the pandemic and if parking utilisation did not return to pre-pandemic levels this could lead to a financial pressure for the Council.


Members raised the following points:


·         The impact of not charging for rural car parking and the fairness of this compared to urban areas where parking charges were enforced. Members were advised that the parish councils did not support the introduction of charging for rural parking nor did they wish to take on the management and maintenance of rural car parks.

·         The need to show all car parks charging arrangements in the annual report. The Head of Commercial Services accepted this point.

·         The reason behind the introduction of linear charging in Coombe Valley Road. Members were advised that this was due to displaced parking from the hospital making it difficult for residents and customers of local businesses to park.

·         To question whether the council had sufficient enforcement resources available. In response, it was stated that there were 12 posts, with 4 current vacancies at advertisement.  


It was moved by Councillor P D Jull, and duly seconded by Councillor R S Walkden


That it be recommended to Cabinet that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee acknowledge the reasons for the increase in parking charges in 2022/23 but for 2023/24 request a review of the end period of off-street parking to encourage better utilization of parking spaces before 3pm.


On being put to the vote the motion was lost.


In the absence of any further recommendation, and in the absence of any dissent, it was agreed to note the report.



Meeting: 28/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 86)

86 Review of On and Off-Street Parking Charges pdf icon PDF 233 KB

To consider the attached report of the Head of Commercial Services.


Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Transport, Licensing and Regulatory Services

Additional documents:


It was agreed:


(a)  That the outcome of the annual review of parking charges be noted.


(b)  That the proposed parking charge options set out at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.


(c)   That each of the Transport and Parking Services Manager and the Head of Commercial Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Transport, Licensing and Regulatory Services, be authorised to take all necessary legal and procedural processes to give effect to the agreed recommendations set out at Appendix 1, including the giving of notices and the making or amendment of any orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and also the making of arrangements with the Dover Harbour Board pursuant to Section 33(4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.