Issue - meetings

Redevelopment of Stembrook Car Park and Former Co-op Building, Dover

Meeting: 25/04/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 141)

141 Redevelopment of Stembrook Car Park and Former Co-op Building, Dover

To consider the attached report of the Head of Growth, Investment and Tourism.

Additional documents:


The Head of Investment, Growth and Tourism presented the report on the Redevelopment of Stembrook Car Park and Former Co-Op Building, Dover.


In the absence of any dissent it was agreed to note the report.


(Councillor T A Bond declared an Other Significant Interest (OSI) in Minute No. 141 (Redevelopment of Stembrook Car Park and Former Co-op Building, Dover) by reason of his employment and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item of business.)


Meeting: 04/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 101)

Redevelopment of Stembrook Car Park and Former Co-op Building, Dover

To consider the attached report of the Head of Growth, Investment and Tourism.


Responsibility: Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


It was agreed:


(a)   That the action taken by the Council since the acquisition of the former Co-op building be noted.


(b)   That support to progress options for the development of a new large, high-quality international brand hotel, with additional commercial opportunities and accompanying strategic car parking, on the site of the former Co-op and Stembrook car park site in Dover town centre, be approved.


(c)   That the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial) be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to take the necessary decisions and actions required to take the project forward to the next stage of delivery including the procurement and identification of a preferred development partner.


(d)   That the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial) be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to procure and deliver the Dover Place Plan Project (including stakeholder engagement and consultation), and a supporting Dover Strategic Parking Strategy.


(e)   That the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial) be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to take the necessary decisions and actions to deliver suitable interim use of the site, subject to financial appraisals to deliver a viable and funded scheme.


(f)    That the establishment of a politically balanced Redevelopment of Stembrook Project Advisory Group (to be chaired by the Leader of the Council), to provide advice, support, oversight and control to the project, be approved.