24 Update to Corporate Complaints Policy PDF 73 KB
To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory).
Additional documents:
The Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory) presented the report on the Update to the Corporate Complaints Policy.
Members were advised that when the Complaints Policy was revised in July 2022 it was highlighted that the removal of the third stage in the complaints process then in force for housing complaints was due to be removed by provisions in The Building Safety Act 2022 that had not yet come into force. Those provisions had subsequently come into effect.
The report also sought to make an additional change to bring the policy into line with the Housing Ombudsman’s recommended practice for written acknowledgements of housing complaints.
It was moved by Councillor S H Beer, duly seconded by Councillor C D Zosseder, and
RESOLVED: That the amended Complaints Policy be adopted in respect of Council functions.
23 Update to Corporate Complaints Policy PDF 73 KB
To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory).
Additional documents:
The Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory) presented the report on the Update to the Corporate Complaints Policy.
Members were advised that the changes to the policy were as follows:
· The first amendment relates to the ‘designated person’ third stage of housing complaints. This was not unexpected as the Government had announced its intention to change the legislation at the time the Complaints Policy was last update.
· The second amendment related to guidance issued by the Housing Ombudsman which the Council had not previously included within its Complaints Policy but commonly happened as a matter of practice. This was to require that all Stage 1 complaints received a written response (either by letter or email).
· The third amendment was to set a limit as to the duration of an extension on a Stage 1 complaint’s timescale for a response. All Stage 1 complaints had a 10-working day timescale to respond to the complainant with the potential to extend this if required. However, the length of the extension was not set in the current policy.
Members noted the report.
70 Update to Corporate Complaints Policy PDF 73 KB
To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory).
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment
Additional documents:
(a) It was agreed that the amended Complaints Policy in respect of Executive functions be adopted.
(b) It was agreed to recommend to Council that the Complaints Policy in respect of Council functions be adopted.