113 Strategic Performance Dashboard - Third Quarter 2023/24 PDF 87 KB
To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy.
Additional documents:
The members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the Strategic Performance Dashboard – 3rd Quarter 2023/24.
Members discussed the following points:
· The average days to relet empty properties. Members were advised that there was a high volume of voids requiring substantial works before they were suitable for reletting. There were also several long-term voids that had been completed during the quarter, and this was reflected in the length of time taken to complete properties with major works. The figures had also been affected by delays with allocations. Officers advised that processes were being reviewed to see if the re-let time could be reduced and that there was closer working between housing teams. It was expected that the figures would start to show an improvement from Quarter 1, 2024/25. Councillor M J Nee asked for a flow chart to show the re-let process and was advised that this was already being work on and would be shared when completed.
· To recognise the good work of the new homelessness prevention officer.
· The financial performance of the Kearsney Park Café. Members were advised that it was improving, and that the venue was seeking to establish itself within the wedding market.
· The number of visits to the leisure centres (LS001: Number of Leisure Centre Visits (Dover District Leisure Centre and Tides and Tennis Centre)). Members were advised that visits to the Dover District Leisure Centre were now above pre-covid levels.
· The on-going reduction in the level of household residual waste (WAS010: Residual household waste per household) in the district. Members were advised that the district had some of the lowest levels in Kent.
· Whether there was a national uniformity in bin colour coding. Members were advised that the Council was consistent with the national model having chosen the right colours in 2011.
· To question whether Veolia had missed contractual targets in respect of street cleansing. Members were advised that indicator WAS012 (Environmental cleanliness: Percentage of streets containing litter) was not a contractual target.
· To ask if an indicator showing the housing developments in the pipeline could be included for the future. Members were advised that such an indicator would show trends as it would be a snapshot of a given date due to the situation with developers often changing on a daily basis. However, it would be possible to do.
· To welcome the reduction in tenant arrears. Members were advised that this would show a temporary worsening performance for Quarter 4 due to the IT issues that affected the Council during that time.
Members were advised that if the wished to discuss the IT issues further that they would need to exclude the press and public from proceedings.
It was moved by Councillor C A Vinson, duly seconded by Councillor M J Nee, and
RESOLVED: That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the remainder of the business on the grounds that the items to be considered involved the likely disclosure ... view the full minutes text for item 113
89 Strategic Performance Dashboard - Third Quarter 2023/24 PDF 87 KB
To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment
Additional documents:
It was agreed that the Council’s Strategic Performance Dashboard for the Third Quarter 2023/24 be noted.