Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; and (h) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
For those meetings that are being broadcast there will be a link to view the live broadcast under the ‘Media’ heading below. Only those items not restricted on the agenda will be broadcast.
Guidance on how to watch live broadcasts of meetings.
The link to view a recording of a meeting that was broadcast can be found on the Council’s YouTube channel (@doverdc)
Venue: Remote Meeting - Teams Live Event. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Brough, Democratic Services Manager Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor C F Woodgate.
To confirm the attached Minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2021 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 9 February 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest PDF 143 KB To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by Members. |
To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Council, the Leader of the Council, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service. Minutes: There were no announcements made. |
To receive an oral report at the meeting from the Leader (and Cabinet) on the business of the Executive or on any topic or subject that it is felt should be brought to the attention of the Council.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10 (Leader’s Time):
(a) The Leader (and Cabinet) shall have up to 15 minutes to make within this report any statements that they wish on any topic or subject that they feel should be drawn to the attention of the Council. (b) The Leader of the Main Opposition Group (or their nominee) shall be allowed up to 10 minutes to respond. (c) The Leader of the Council shall be allowed up to 5 minutes to exercise a right of reply (or 25% of the time given to the Opposition Group Leader(s), whichever is the greatest). Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor T J Bartlett, included the following matters in his report:
(a) To thank the Strategic Director (Corporate Resources), the Head of Finance and Investment and the Finance team for the work they put into preparing the budget which meant that the Council could move forward to a future of investment and growth. The Council would invest in tourism, the economy and protecting the environment. (b) To welcome the extension of the furlough scheme and assistance with business rates. (c) That the Council had bid for £224,000 in grant funding for the installation of 49 electric vehicle charging points. (d) The Council had also secured funding from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund for solar panels at Whitfield and the Dover Museum. (e) That he would be meeting with the Minister to discuss the Inland Border Facility on 15 March and would discuss many issues including the road network. (f) That he agreed with concerns expressed by residents over the state of litter on the roads. The A256 would be cleaned in the coming weeks and in mid-May the A256 would be cleaned with vegetation cut-back. There would be a further clean in preparation for the Open Golf. The A2/M20 were cleaned by Highways England and the installation of bulk bins in lay-bys. He also expressed support for the Great British Spring Clean between 28 May – 13 June 2021. (g) That the Local Plan had received high levels of engagement and 19 Teams meetings had been held with positive feedback. (h) To express sadness at the news that the Phoenix Centre won’t reopen and would be wound up. He expressed gratitude to Phil and Eleanor Scott for their work over the last 20 years at the Phoenix Centre. The Council as owner of the building would look at potential future uses for it. (i) That £68,000 had been raised over the last 2 years through the Dover District Lotto which had been invested in the Community Grants programme. (j) That Kearsney and Russell Gardens had been featured on Countryfile. The project was continuing and the toilets were no open 8am – 4pm daily and the café would reopen when allowed. (k) That the Council had hosted a live Fair Trade Event which he had found insightful with lots of interesting questions. He thanked Councillor P M Brivio for her work and presentation of Fair Trade Towns and also thanked the community team.
The Leader of the Opposition Labour Group, Councillor K Mills, included the following matters in his report: (a) To welcome the clean up of roads in the district by the Council. While he welcomed the bulk bins in lay-bys he emphasised that lay-bys were not safe parking bays for lorries. (b) To welcome the engagement on the Local Plan but recognise that there was no perfect answer during lockdown. (c) To welcome the community funding that the Dover District Lotto had generated. (d) To raise concerns over the inadequate parking at Kearsney and ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
Seat Allocation and Group Appointments PDF 4 KB To receive from Group Leaders any changes to seat allocations or appointments.
(Note: Any changes must be within the approved allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules (where applicable).) Minutes: There were no changes to the seat allocations and group appointments. |
Questions from the Public PDF 187 KB To receive answers in respect of questions from the public to Members of the Executive asked in accordance with Rule 11 of the Council Procedure Rules (as amended by the remote meeting procedure rules).
(a) Questions will be asked in the order in which notice of them was received, except that the Chairman may group together similar questions. (b) The period for questions by the public shall be limited so that no further questions shall be put after the elapse of 15 minutes from the commencement of the first question. (c) A maximum of three minutes is allowed for the each question to be read. (d) Afterwards, any other Member at the Chairman's discretion may speak for up to two minutes on a question or reply.
Questions from the Public
The questions received from the public are set out in the agenda paper. Minutes: (1) In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11 (as amended by Council Procedure Rule 28.9), a question from Graham Wanstall was put to the Leader of the Council, Councillor T J Bartlett:
“It is important those of us elected to public office demonstrate civic leadership. Therefore I continue with my own consistent plan of action to promote DOVER. To commemorate two important national events I propose a unique double naming in a simple way to reflect the mood of the Nation as follows: That the subway under the A20 from the Market Square side down the slope to the bottom of the steps be called…”CAPTAIN SIR TOM MOORE PASSAGE” and the steps up to the sea front be called “DUKE OF EDINBURGH STEPS”. The names complement each other marking two much loved and respected national figures Captain Tom’s life of 100 years and the 100th Birthday of H.R.H the Duke of Edinburgh. This proposal does not require any change in road names only the naming of the subway within existing roads so I ask the Leader to please support this proposal and implement it in time for the 10th of June the Duke of Edinburgh’s Birthday? It only requires four street name plates and has the support of “Highways England” who are responsible for the subway.”
In response the Councillor T J Bartlett stated:
I would like to thank Mr Wanstall for his welcome proposal that the Council should consider commemorating both Captain Tom and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, through the naming of the ramp and steps leading to the subway under the A20.
As Mr Wanstall has highlighted, both individuals are much loved and respected national figures.
I am therefore very pleased to support his proposal in principle, although I would like to suggest that the ramp be named as Captain Sir Tom Moore Way rather than Captain Sir Tom Moore Passage.
With that minor change, I will now ask our officers to take this proposal forward and seek the permissions needed from the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore and the Lord Chamberlain’s office with regards to the proposal regarding the Duke of Edinburgh. |
Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 PDF 221 KB To consider the report of the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service (to follow). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service presented the Pay Policy Statement 2021/22.
It was moved by Councillor C A Vinson, duly seconded by Councillor M Rose and
RESOLVED: That the Pay Policy Statement set out at Appendix 1 of the report be approved prior to publication on the Council’s website. |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021-22 PDF 423 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate Resources).
Please note that section 106 Local Government Finance Act 1972 applies to this item of business. Accordingly, if any sum of council tax becomes payable by any Member and has remained unpaid for at least two months, that Member must, if present at the meeting, declare that fact to the meeting as soon as possible after the meeting has started and may not participate in any vote on that item.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 18.6 (voting on budget decisions) a recorded vote will be held in respect of this item.
Minutes: The Strategic Director (Corporate Resources) presented the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021-22.
It was moved by Councillor C A Vinson, duly seconded by Councillor N S Kenton, and
RESOLVED: That the revised Council Tax Reductions Scheme (CTRS) for the financial year 2021/2022 be approved to embody within the scheme the principal that the income bands within the income grid used in the Scheme are automatically adjusted upwards or downwards from time to time to reflect:
(a) Adjustments of the National Living Wage
(b) Adjustments in Working Tax Credit and Universal Credit received by claimants from the government as a COVID support measure.
Such that the percentage discount receivable by claimants is not negatively affected by these adjustments to the National Living Wage and adjustments in Working Tax Credit and Universal Credit awarded to claimants by the government as a COVID support measure.
And that accordingly the grid shown at Appendix 2a be substituted for the grid currently in the scheme, with the figures shown to be uplifted by £20 (or any other amount) for any period of 2021/22 to reflect the Government’s adjustments in Working Tax Credit and Universal Credit.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 18.6 (voting on budget decisions) a recorded vote was held. The manner of voting was as followed:
Council Budget 2021/22 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 PDF 343 KB To consider the report of the Strategic Director (Corporate Resources) (to follow).
Please note that section 106 Local Government Finance Act 1972 applies to this item of business. Accordingly, if any sum of council tax becomes payable by any Member and has remained unpaid for at least two months, that Member must, if present at the meeting, declare that fact to the meeting as soon as possible after the meeting has started and may not participate in any vote on that item.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 18.6 (voting on budget decisions) a recorded vote will be held in respect of this item.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategic Director (Corporate Resources) presented the Council Budget 2021/22 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2021/22 – 2024/25.
It was moved by Councillor C A Vinson, duly seconded by Councillor M J Holloway that the recommendations set out in the report incorporating the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting held on 1 March 2021 be approved.
On being put to the vote it was
RESOLVED: (a) That the General Fund Revenue Budget, the Capital and Special Projects Programmes, the Housing Revenue Account Budget, the Council Tax Resolution and the content of the MTFP be approved;
(b) That the Strategic Director (Corporate Resources) in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Digital be authorised to:
(i) Draw on the Council’s earmarked reserves to fund the 2021/22 budget as required; (ii) Apply new burdens funding as intended by Government; (iii) Take any surplus 2020/21 new burdens funding and "nonearmarked" funding into earmarked reserves to support the General Fund budget and to apply them in 2021/22.
(c) That a Council Tax increase of 2.6% for DDC purposes be approved, resulting in an increase on Band D properties of £4.95 per year and an annual DDC Council Tax of £197.19.
(d) To note that it is the view of the Strategic Director (Corporate Resources), the Section 151 Officer, having due regard to the circumstances and the range of uncertainties, that the budget has been prepared in an appropriate and prudent manner and that as far as can be determined, and based upon the information available at the time of producing this report, the estimates are robust and the resources are adequate for the Council’s spending plans in 2021/22.
(e) That the various Council recommendations at the end of the sections within the attached budget and MTFP, and summarised in Annex 10 to Appendix 1, are approved.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 18.6 (voting on budget decisions) a recorded vote was held. The manner of voting was as followed:
Questions from Members PDF 329 KB Up to 60 minutes is allowed for this part of the meeting unless extended by the Chairman of Council on a motion moved, duly seconded and approved by the Council. Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.
Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.
The questions received are set out in the agenda papers.
Minutes: In accordance with Rule 12(1) of the Council Procedure Rules, Members of the Cabinet responded to the following questions:
“Is it possible to have a copy of the letter that was agreed would be written to the Government urging that the £20 uplift to benefits continues. This was agreedat full council on 27 January 2021.”
In response Councillor T J Bartlett advised that a copy of the letter had been provided to the Member.
Councillor H M Williams did not ask a supplementary question.
“Given the large increase in population in Aylesham, and the probability of ongoing Covid 19 restrictions of some sort in May, is active consideration being given to providing an additional polling station in the village for the forthcoming elections in May?
There were already large queues at the polling station in the 2019 election,; it is essential to ensure safe voting for local residents (and DDC staff) by limiting queuing, and thus enabling effective social distancing arrangements - which will not be possible with only the one polling station.” In response Councillor C A Vinson stated: |
Urgent Business Time PDF 83 KB To consider any other items deemed by the Chairman of the Council to be urgent in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business for consideration. |