Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; and (h) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
For those meetings that are being broadcast there will be a link to view the live broadcast under the ‘Media’ heading below. Only those items not restricted on the agenda will be broadcast.
Guidance on how to watch live broadcasts of meetings.
The link to view a recording of a meeting that was broadcast can be found on the Council’s YouTube channel (@doverdc)
Venue: Council Chamber. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M F Hibbert, S C Manion, K Mills, M W Moorhouse, O C de R Richardson and C D Zosseder. |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024 (to follow). Additional documents: Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by Members. |
To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Council, the Leader of the Council, Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service. Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
(a) To thank everyone involved in preparing for and staffing the UK Parliamentary General Election, held on 4 July 2024, for all of their hard work.
(b) To advise the Council of the sad news of the death of his predecessor as Chairman of the Council, former Councillor M D Conolly.
Former Councillor M D Conolly had represented the Little Stour and Ashstone Ward (Conservative) following being elected in a by-election in 2008 until his retirement from office in 2023. He had been Chairman of the Council between 2019 to 2023 and had presided over the start of the first meeting of the current council term in his capacity as the retiring Chairman. Prior to that he had served as a member of the Cabinet from 2011 to 2019 and was Deputy Leader of the Council from 2015 to 2019.
Members spoke warmly to their memories of his service on the Council, his commitment to his community and his character. Members offered their condolences to his family.
The Chairman asked the Council to stand in silence as a mark of respect. |
To receive an oral report at the meeting from the Leader (and Cabinet) on the business of the Executive or on any topic or subject that it is felt should be brought to the attention of the Council.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10 (Leader’s Time):
(a) The Leader (and Cabinet) shall have up to 15 minutes to make within this report any statements that they wish on any topic or subject that they feel should be drawn to the attention of the Council. (b) The Leader of the Main Opposition Group (or their nominee) shall be allowed up to 10 minutes to respond. (c) The Leader of the Council shall be allowed up to 5 minutes to exercise a right of reply (or 25% of the time given to the Opposition Group Leader(s), whichever is the greatest). Minutes: In the absence of the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader Councillor J L Pout, advised that members of the Cabinet would provide updates in respect of matters within their portfolios as part of his report:
Councillor P M Brivio raised the following points:
· To welcome the purchase of 48 new-build properties at a site called Wingfield Place, off Freemen’s Way, Deal. · To advice that the council was tendering for a new maintenance contract for its housing stock.
Councillor S B Blair raised the following points:
· That the financial outturns had been completed. · To highlight elements of the Review of the Constitution to be considered later in the agenda. · To draw Members’ attention to the audits in the Governance Committee agenda in June 2024. · To congratulate all officers, and particularly staff in Electoral Services and Democratic Services, on a successfully run UK Parliamentary General Election.
Councillor E A Biggs raised the following points:
· To advise that the council had 9611 subscribers to the garden waste scheme following the introduction of containerisation. This was only slightly down on the previous number of 9690 subscribers. · To update Members on changes to the emerging Local Plan. · To highlight the importance of the Green Infrastructure Strategy. · To confirm that the Beacon Project had received planning approval. · To advise of a recent walkaround with Planning Enforcement. · To congratulate building control officers on successfully achieving their new qualifications.
Councillor J L Pout raised the following points:
· To congratulate Mike Tapp on his election as the Member of Parliament for the Dover and Deal Constituency and Roger Gale on his election as the Member of Parliament for the Herna Bay and Sandwich Constituency at the UK Parliamentary General Elections held on 4 July 2024. · That works on Maison Dieu were progressing well and that it was expected to open in Spring 2025. · That the Roman Painted House was expected to open this summer. · That a report on proposals for Tides would be going to Cabinet in July 2024. · That the Council had purchased a number of properties as part of its commitment to expand its housing stock. · That Environmental Services were conducting school visits to raise awareness with children. · That the Roads Minister would be visiting Dover the following day in respect of the proposed European Entry and Exit System introduction. · That he was working with Stagecoach on community outreach. · That the Chairman would be attending the Reach Awards at the weekend. · That DEFRA was engaging with the Council in respect of Port Health services. The Leader of the Main Opposition Group, Councillor T J Bartlett, included the following matters in his report:
· To also congratulate Mike Tapp on his election as the Member of Parliament for the Dover and Deal Constituency and Roger Gale on his election as the Member of Parliament for the Herna Bay and Sandwich Constituency at the UK Parliamentary General Elections held on 4 July 2024. · To welcome the news of the recent walkabout with enforcement as this was something that ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Seat Allocation and Group Appointments To receive from Group Leaders any changes to seat allocations or appointments.
(Note: Any changes must be within the approved allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules (where applicable).) Minutes: There were no changes. |
Questions from the Public To receive answers in respect of questions from the public to Members of the Executive asked in accordance with Rule 11 of the Council Procedure Rules.
(a) Questions will be asked in the order in which notice of them was received, except that the Chairman may group together similar questions. (b) The period for questions by the public shall be limited so that no further questions shall be put after the elapse of 15 minutes from the commencement of the first question. (c) A maximum of three minutes is allowed for the each question to be read. (d) A questioner who has put a question in person may also put one supplementary question without notice to the member who has replied to his or her original question. A supplementary question must arise directly out of the original question or the reply. (e) Afterwards, any other Member at the Chairman's discretion may speak for up to two minutes on a question or reply.
Questions from the Public
The questions received during the notice period are set out in the agenda papers.
Minutes: QUESTION 1
“A freedom of Information Request recently informed us that no equality policy exists for the approval of planning permission. It also informed us that out of 771 new homes that were given planning permission in Deal and Walmer since January 2021 just 2 were fully accessible. To give some context the statistics gathered from the Housing Needs Survey show that 31% of all households include and person with disabilities, 46% of these are in unsuitable homes (that's 15% of all households or more allowing for those who didn't reply). Dover District Council maintains that they push for accessible properties on developments where possible but is this realistic without any solid policy, what action will you take to ensure equality is upheld in this district and how dose this match up to the emerging local plan's proposal to make just 5% on new housing projects of over 20 houses, fully accessible (m4(3) standard)?
“The new Local Plan, which is expected to be adopted later this year, does include policies to deliver accessible homes in new development in the District. The policies have been developed taking account of national planning policy and evidence of local need.
Policy PM2 of the new Local Plan requires all new dwellings to be built to ‘Accessible and Adaptable’ dwellings standard (Building Regulations Part M4 (2)). This standard requires features including having a living area at entrance level and step-free access to all entrance level rooms and facilities, wider doorways and corridors as well as clear access routes to reach windows. It also includes further features to make homes more easily adaptable over time for a wide range of occupants, including older people, those with reduced mobility and some wheelchair users.
Policy PM2 also requires that on schemes of 20 dwellings or more, 5% be ‘Wheelchair user dwellings standard (Building Regulations M4 (3)). This standard requires the new dwelling provides reasonable provisions for a wheelchair user to live in the dwelling and the ability to use any private outdoor space, parking and communal facilities.
The 5% requirement is based upon the evidence of need from the Council’s housing waiting list. Planning policy must be developed having regard to national policy and guidance, and in relation to this matter it only allows local policy to require ‘wheelchair user dwellings’ where the local authority is responsible for allocating or nominating a person to live in that dwelling. Local Planning policy cannot require wheelchair user dwellings to be provided in private market housing.
The 20-dwelling threshold is therefore the minimum size of development able to deliver 1 home to M4(3) standard. This is based upon the socially rented affordable housing policy requirement set out in policy SP5. In relation to the stated figure of only 2 homes out of 771 being fully accessible homes in permissions granted since 2021. These planning ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
Questions from Members Up to 60 minutes is allowed for this part of the meeting unless extended by the Chairman of the Council or on a motion moved, duly seconded and approved by the Council. Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.
Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.
The questions received are set out in the order received in the agenda papers. Minutes: In accordance with Rule 12(1) of the Council Procedure Rules, Members of the Cabinet responded to the following questions:
“The Council currently operates in a way which seeks to ensure that all tax arrangements are complied with and in accordance with the current laws. The Council already has many features in place which ensure both probity and integrity and represents best practice, including the appropriate taxation arrangements for staff, collection of council tax/business rates as well as liaising with HMRC where applicable to ensure that our VAT arrangements in place are properly administered. We will commit to continue to demonstrate good practice in our tax conduct across our activities.
In respect of our Contractors and Suppliers – we currently include proportionate checks in respect of company structures, controlling interests etc. and specific self-declarations in respect of companies meeting their obligations for the payment of taxes etc. We will continue to undertake due diligence, where appropriate and feasible, on our key suppliers and contractors to confirm that they have met all their obligations for the payment of taxes in the UK.
The Council will also look in the future to raise awareness to suppliers and contractors of the Fair Tax Mark accreditation (an independent accreditation awarded by the Fair Tax Foundation in respect of responsible tax conduct), in addition to joining in and supporting Fair Tax Week through our social media posts and articles.” |
ADOPTION OF AIR QUALITY ACTION PLAN 2024-2028 To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory) presented the report on the Adoption of Air Quality Action Plan 2024 – 28.
It was moved by Councillor J L Pout, duly seconded by Councillor P M Brivio, and
RESOLVED: That the adoption of the Air Quality Action Plan 2024-2028 in line with statutory obligations under the Environment Act 1995 be approved. |
Revised Complaints Policy To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Corporate Services and Democracy presented the Revised Complaints Policy.
It was moved by Councillor S B Blair, duly seconded by Councillor S H Beer, and
RESOLVED: That the amended Complaints Policy be adopted in respect of Council functions. |
Delivery of Agendas to Council Members To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy. Minutes: The Head of Corporate Services and Democracy presented the report on the Delivery of Agendas to Council Members.
It was moved by Councillor S H Beer, duly seconded by Councillor S B Blair, and
RESOLVED: That the Constitution be amended as follows:
(a) That Council Procedure Rule 6 be amended as follows: “The Proper Officer will give notice to the public of the time and place of any meeting in accordance with the Access to Information Rules. At least five clear days before a meeting, the Proper Officer will send a summons signed by him or her to every member of the Council. All Members serving on a body will receive an electronic copy of the summons and agenda unless they have requested a paper copy which will be made available for collection from the Council Offices. All Members will receive an electronic notification by e-mail. The summons will give the date, time and place of each meeting and specify the business to be transacted and will be accompanied by such reports as are available.
This rule shall be interpreted subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Schedule 12 to the Local Government Act 1972.
(b) That the Leader and Executive Procedure Rules be amended to insert a new paragraph 1.6(c) as follows: “The Proper Officer will give notice to the public of the time and place of any meeting in accordance with the Access to Information Rules. At least five clear days before a meeting, the Proper Officer will send a summons signed by him or her to every member of the Council. All Members serving on a body will receive an electronic copy of the summons and agenda unless they have requested a paper copy which will be made available for collection from the Council Offices. All Members will receive an electronic notification by e-mail. The summons will give the date, time and place of each meeting and specify the business to be transacted and will be accompanied by such reports as are available.
(c) That on the recommendation of the Licensing Committee, that Council Procedure Rule 6 be amended to include reference to the Licensing Committee and Licensing Sub-Committees. |
Review of the Constitution 2024 To consider the attached report of the Monitoring Officer.
The main document will be published as a supplementary paper due to its size. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Corporate Services and Democracy presented the Review of the Constitution 2024.
Members were advised that the East Kent Joint Independent Remuneration Panel had reviewed the proposed changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme.
It was moved by Councillor S H Beer, duly seconded by Councillor J L Pout, and
RESOLVED: That the proposed changes in the Review of the Constitution 2024, as set out in Appendix 1, and specifically those changes relating to Part 3, Responsibility for Functions, Section 1 (Responsibility for Local Choice Functions), Section 2 (Responsibility for Council Functions) and Section 6, Sub Section C (Scheme of Officer Delegations) that relate to Council functions be approved and incorporated into the Council’s Constitution, issue no. 26. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The recommendation is attached.
Investigating and Disciplinary Committee To consider the report of the Deputy Monitoring Officer (To follow). Minutes: Members considered the report on the formation of an Investigating and Disciplinary Committee:
RESOLVED: (a) That a politically balanced Investigating and Disciplinary Committee be appointed (in accordance with s.101(1)(a) and 102(1)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972) consisting of three members, one of whom must be an Executive member.
(b) That authority be delegated to the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee to take decisions in relation to the complaint and any investigation and/or disciplinary action (including taking decisions relating to management of the process and any interim measures) which may be required.
(c) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Monitoring Officer to determine the procedure to be used by the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee. |
Urgent Business Time To consider any other items deemed by the Chairman of the Council to be urgent in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business for consideration. |