Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; and (h) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
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Contact: Kate Batty-Smith, Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from County Councillor D P Murphy and Messrs B W Bano (Deal Town Council), P Carter (Sandwich Town Council), A P Minns (Kent Association of Local Councils) and L Kettlewell (Deal Town Council nominated substitute). |
Appointment of Substitute Members To note appointments of Substitute Members. Minutes: There were no substitute members appointed. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 143 KB To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor T A Bond declared an Other Significant Interest in Agenda Item 5 (Regeneration of Market Square, Dover – Traffic Regulation Order) by reason that he was a director of the Dover Town Team. |
To confirm the attached minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 3 December 2020. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Regeneration of Market Square, Dover - Traffic Regulation Order PDF 409 KB To consider the report of the Director of Highways and Transportation, Kent County Council (to follow). Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Project Manager (SPM) presented the report which proposed new waiting restrictions in support of the Market Square project, the aim of which was to revitalise the traditional heart of Dover by improving access and the public realm. The existing fountain would be replaced by a ‘misting’ feature. Consultation on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order had run from 12 February to 8 March 2021. Consultation responses were summarised at paragraph 2.5 of the report and set out in full at Appendix B. He confirmed that statutory notices had been posted in the immediate vicinity of the site. The emergency services, including the police, had been consulted and had submitted a neutral response.
In response to Councillor D G Cronk, the SPM clarified that the relocated bus bays would only be used by coaches. Whilst the maneouvre from Castle Street into Stembrook was tight, design software demonstrated that it could be done. He further advised that funding was in place but, in the event that tender prices were higher than expected, there were items that could be removed. He confirmed that he was not aware of any outstanding decisions regarding the future of Stembrook. Councillor M J Holloway stressed that the project had gone through due diligence procedures and both public and Dover Town Team consultation. It was one of the first initiatives in a wider, ambitious plan for the revival of Dover, capitalising on the town’s heritage and geographical assets.
RESOLVED: (a) That it be recommended that the Traffic Regulation Order proposals applicable to King Street, Church Street and the bus-stop on Castle Street be approved.
(b) That it be recommended that an amended version of the proposal for the loading bay on Castle Street be republished, and that powers be delegated to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board to approve this element of the Traffic Regulation Order. |
Highway Works Programme 2019/20 Onwards PDF 529 KB To consider the attached report of the Director of Highways and Transportation, Kent County Council. Minutes: The Dover District Manager (DDM) presented the report which updated Members on schemes programmed for delivery in 2020/21.
In response to Councillor Cronk, the DDM undertook to find out what was happening with the replacement of lighting on the A2 between Whitfield and the top of Jubilee Way. In response to Councillor E A Biggs, the DDM advised that 278 agreements were made between a developer and Kent County Council (KCC) where works in support of a development and affecting an existing highway were proposed. In cases of minor highway works, a letter of understanding would normally suffice. Section 38 agreements were used tosecure the adoption of new roads by the highway authority. In relation to proposed speed humps in Astor Avenue, the DDM undertook to look at whether alternative measures had been explored. Councillor M Bates expressed concerns about an ongoing dispute concerning street-lights at Burgoyne Heights in Guston. Over a dozen lights had been out near the estate for several years yet trying to establish who was responsible had proved extremely frustrating. The bus-stop was a particular danger spot. A recent response from KCC indicated that they were Dover District Council’s assets. The DDM undertook to consult the officer responsible and provide an update before the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Proposed Residents' Parking Scheme - Hewitt Road and Goodfellow Way, Dover PDF 283 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Parking Operations Manager (POM) introduced the report which set out proposals to withdraw a proposed extension to an existing on-street residents’ parking scheme operating in Dour Street. With residents’ support it had been hoped that the Council would take over the private parking area for the residents of Hewitt Road and Goodfellow Way and enforce restrictions. However, in the absence of a majority of residents supporting either proposal in all three roads, Officers felt that they had no mandate to do so, and the recommendation was therefore to withdraw the proposals.
Councillor P M Brivio expressed disappointment with the consultation response given that the private parking area was frequently used by those who had no right to park there. Councillor J P Haste sympathised with residents but agreed that the proposals should be withdrawn.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended that the proposed residents’ parking scheme set out at Appendix A of the report be withdrawn. |
Proposed Residents' Parking Scheme - Harold Street Area, Dover PDF 209 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The POM presented the report which set out details of a proposed residents’ parking scheme for the Harold Street area of Dover. Members were advised that informal consultation had taken place and proposals for a slightly smaller scheme covering the roads where a majority had responded in favour would be formally advertised. The results of the formal consultation would be reported to the Board.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Proposed Electric Vehicle Charging Point Provision PDF 138 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents: Minutes: The POM presented the report which outlined proposals to install 49 electric vehicle charging points across the district using funding from the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles. The location of the sites would be advertised via a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), and any that were the subject of objections would be brought back to the Board. In response to questions, the POM clarified that the charging points would not be rapid chargers and would take at least two hours to charge a vehicle. The two charging points outside Dover police station had been installed there to serve the terraced houses nearby which did not have the space to install their own. He confirmed that the charging points would have the same parking restrictions as other on-street spaces. The Head of Commercial Services undertook to let Councillor Brivio know how payments would be made. The POM undertook to let Councillor T A Bond know about the one-hour daytime restriction in Victoria Road, Deal.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended that the proposed electric vehicle charging bay sites detailed in the report that do not receive objections in response to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order be sealed by Kent County Council (or Dover District Council in the case of car parks) in order to bring them into effect. (Any sites receiving objections will be referred to a future meeting of the Board for further consideration prior to final recommendations being made.) |
Proposed Parking Charge Increase Implementation 2021/22 PDF 131 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents: Minutes: The POM introduced the report, advising that three of the proposed parking changes required TROs. The changes had already been approved by Cabinet and were due to be implemented in April. Following the normal process, the changes would be advertised and then reported to the Board at its next meeting in June. However, because of the April deadline, the Board was being asked to agree that any objections received in relation to the TROs be considered by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board using delegated powers.
Councillor N J Collor pointed out an omission from Appendix A of the report in relation to Borrow Pit car park. The charges of 90p per hour for a car and £1.60 per hour for a car and trailer needed to be inserted. In response to Councillor Biggs who questioned why the changes had to be brought in by April, the POM advised that the implementation dates had been brought forward. Three of the proposals had to go through the lengthy TRO process and agreeing delegations to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman was therefore the only way of ensuring that the changes were introduced by the deadline agreed by Cabinet.
In response to concerns expressed by Councillor Cronk about Middle Deal car park, the Head of Commercial Services explained that the new fees and charges for 2021/22 had already been approved by Cabinet and could not be amended. If they were not implemented by the beginning of the financial year, i.e. 1 April, the Council would lose income which was particularly important this year given the losses incurred as a result of the pandemic. In response to concerns expressed by Councillor Bond, he undertook to clarify the proposed changes in relation to entries 21, 22 and 23 in Appendix A, particularly at The Strand where a new crazy golf course had recently been approved.
RESOLVED: (a) That the report be noted.
(b) That the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board be delegated to consider any objections received in response to the advertised Traffic Regulation Orders scheduled for April and set out at Appendix A of the report and, if appropriate, make a recommendation to Kent County Council/Dover District Council to bring them into effect.
(c) That the same delegation, as detailed above, be extended to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board for any other proposals set out at Appendix A of the report and scheduled for later in the year. |
Dover Seafront - Proposed Caravan and Motor Caravan Parking Restrictions PDF 127 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The POM introduced the report which outlined proposals to introduce parking restrictions at Dover seafront for caravans and motor homes. At its meeting held on 19 September 2019, the Board had recommended that a proposal to introduce a £10 overnight charge at Dover seafront for caravans and motor homes be advertised. The number of responses received had been fewer than previous consultations.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended that the parking restrictions for caravans and motor caravans detailed in the report and set out at Appendix A be brought into effect by Kent County Council sealing the necessary Traffic Regulation Order. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 104 KB The recommendation is attached.
The procedure for determining applications for on-street disabled persons’ parking bays is attached.
Applications for Disabled Persons' Parking Bays To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Minutes: The Parking Operations Officer presented the report which outlined details of eight disabled parking bay applications, and proposed the removal of six bays that were no longer needed.
Applications A to F met all the criteria and their formal advertisement was therefore recommended. Applications G and H, if approved, would mean that the total number of bays would exceed 5% of the overall parking the streets concerned. For this reason, the Board’s views were sought.
RESOLVED: (a) That it be noted:
(i) That Applications A to F would be formally advertised and, in the event that no objections are received, sealed by Kent County Council. (Should any objections be received during the consultation process, the applications will be discussed with the Chairman of the Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board for a final decision.)
(ii) That Items I to N would be formally advertised with the intention of removing them and, in the event that no objections are received, their removal will be sealed by Kent County Council.
(b) That it be recommended that Applications G and H be approved and formally advertised and, in the event that no objections are received, sealed by Kent County Council. (Should any objections be received during the consultation process, the applications will be discussed with the Chairman of the Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board for a final decision.) |