Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; and (h) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
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No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcement Minutes: The Chairman announced that Item 12 (Proposed Revision of Zone H Residents’ Permit Parking Scheme) had been withdrawn from the agenda. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from District Councillor E A Biggs, Dover Town Councillor P M Brivio and Mr A P Minns (Kent Association of Local Councils). |
Appointment of Substitute Members To note appointments of Substitute Members. Minutes: It was noted that Dover Town Councillor R S Walkden was the nominated substitute for Councillor P M Brivio.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 10 March 2022 (to follow).. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Receipt of Petition in Respect of St Leonard's Road, Deal The Chairman will receive a petition in respect of traffic issues in St Leonard’s Road, Deal.
In accordance with the Kent County Council/Dover District Council Agreement on Joint Transportation Advisory Boards, the petition will only be received and there will be no discussion of the petition at this meeting. Public speaking and debate on the petition will take place at the next meeting of the Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board. Minutes: Mr Anthony Hoad presented a petition in respect of St Leonard’s Road, Deal which was received by the Chairman. |
Highway Forward Works Programme 2021/22 and 2022/23 To note the attached report of the Director of Highways and Transportation, Kent County Council. Minutes: The Highway Manager (Dover) (HM) presented the report. She advised that the works detailed in Appendix A had all been completed save for surface dressing at Eastry on the Sandwich bypass. Referring to Appendix J, she advised that a lot of the works would involve road closures and inevitably cause some disruption.
In response to Councillor D G Cronk, the HM confirmed that she was aware of the issues at The Strand, Walmer the previous weekend. She understood that the work had been rescheduled due to the weather and had clashed with the Clifftop Challenge. The re-tarmacking work had now been completed. In respect of charging points in garages, she advised that Kent County Council’s focus was to install charging points in car parks and off street. She was not aware of legislation that permitted charging spaces to be allocated to specific houses nor of discussions being held with Shell or BP. She clarified that when tarmacking was carried out, the road would be left for at least 14 days (with loose material on top) before any new lines were marked out. She promised to follow this up.
In response to Councillor P Carter, she undertook to find out timings in respect of the externally funded schemes listed in Appendix D for Sandwich. Councillor J P Haste mentioned the entrance to new housing at the top end of Coombe Valley Road near the roundabout which needed resurfacing. He also mentioned several serious accidents having occurred at MacDonald Road caused by cars parked on corners obscuring visibility. The HM advised that the resurfacing of the entrance would normally be the developer’s responsibility but agreed to check. With regards to MacDonald Road, she commented that Blue Badge holders had discretion to park on double yellow lines but were still expected to park safely. She suggested that accidents caused by irresponsible parking should be reported to the police.
The HM undertook to send Councillor T A Bond the dates of road closures at St Leonards Road, Allenby Avenue, Park Road, etc in Deal. It would be a rolling programme of closures and they would not all be closed at the same time and for 25 days. She confirmed that she had received an e-mail from Councillor M F Hibbert which would require a long reply.
RESOLVED: (a) That the Highway Manager be requested to: (a) advise further regarding electric vehicle charging points, resurfacing of development entrance in Coombe Valley Road, road closures in Deal and externally funded schemes in Sandwich in Appendix D of the report; and (b) follow up the re-lining of The Strand, Walmer.
(b) That the report be noted.
Bridgeside, Deal: Proposed Extension of Zone P Residents' Permit Parking Scheme To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Transport and Parking Services Manager introduced the report which outlined proposals to extend a residents’ permit parking scheme at Bridgeside, Deal. The proposals had been the subject of informal consultation and formal consultation would now be undertaken if recommended by the Board. She clarified that permit charges would depend on a vehicle’s emissions rating such that the charge for an electric vehicle would be the lowest at £35 per annum. Some Members expressed reservations about this model of charging which was unfair to residents when visitors were not charged on the basis of their vehicles’ emissions. The Head of Commercial Services advised that emissions-based charging had already been agreed by Cabinet. However, it would be kept under review and was due to be discussed later in the year.
RESOLVED: (a) That it be recommended that the existing Zone P residents’ permit parking scheme for Bridgeside, Deal be extended to various other roads in the area, including Sutherland Road, Albert Road, Church Path, Middle Deal Road and Matthews Close, and taken to formal consultation. |
Sandwich: Proposed Revision of Residents' Parking Permit Parking Scheme Times To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Parking Operations Manager (POM) advised Members that the proposal to change the times of the Zone J residents’ permit parking scheme in Sandwich, as set out in the report, was being withdrawn following informal consultation. The proposal would not be progressed due to opposition from a majority of residents.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended that the proposal to change the times of the Zone J residents’ permit parking scheme in Sandwich is not progressed. |
To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents: Minutes: The POM introduced the report, advising that the proposal had come about as a result of concerns raised by Aylesham Parish Council and local residents regarding vehicles parking inappropriately.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended:
(a) That the existing double yellow lines parking restrictions be extended to allow safer entry/egress from Dorman Avenue South and Market Place.
(b) That corner protection restrictions on Milner Crescent and Hyde Place be extended and installed on to Dorman Avenue South.
(c) That double yellow lines be installed at the entrance to Greyhound Gardens. |
London Road, River: Proposed Revision of Current Parking Area To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents: Minutes: The POM presented the report, confirming that the proposal would not affect the zig-zag lines next to the zebra crossing.
RESOLVED: It was agreed to recommend that the proposed ‘Loading Only’ bay restriction be introduced. |
To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The POM presented the report which outlined proposals to introduce cashless payment for on-street parking in Coombe Valley, MacDonald and Lambton Roads which were situated opposite Buckland Hospital in Dover. Councillor Bond expressed concerns that, due to the location, it was likely to be the elderly who were more unfamiliar with cashless parking that would be most affected by the proposal. The POM advised that there was the option of using the hospital’s Pay and Display car park for those without a mobile phone or unfamiliar with cashless parking. Councillor N J Collor commented that the proposed parking charges were considerably cheaper than the hospital car park so would not discourage visitors from parking in residents’ spaces. He hoped there would be an increase in parking enforcement in that area to tackle the problem.
The POM reassured Members that the parking enforcement team was doing all it could to ensure that all areas were patrolled. However, the team was currently short of three staff. The Transport and Parking Services Manager advised that the Council was in the process of recruiting more staff but there appeared to be a nationwide problem. Councillor M Bates advised that payment could be made using any type of mobile phone. Officers were aware of the disparity between the on-street and hospital car park charges and would review them once the proposal was in operation. He clarified that the proposal would be subject to formal consultation. In response to a query from Councillor Cronk, the POM clarified that there would be no machines and that payment could only be made over the phone.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended that Cashless Parking (RingGo) be introduced into the existing residents’ permit parking scheme in Coombe Valley Road, MacDonald Road and Lambton Road. |
Dover: Proposed Revision of Residents' Permit Parking Scheme Times To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial). Additional documents:
Minutes: The POM presented the report which detailed proposals to change the restriction times of Zones A to G residents’ permit parking schemes. The proposal had been the subject of informal consultation and, if recommended by the Board, would now undergo formal consultation.
RESOLVED: That it be recommended that the existing Zones A to G residents’ permit parking schemes restriction times be changed from 8.30am- 5.30pm to 7.00am-8.00pm and taken to formal consultation. |