Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence

The Sub-Committee is requested to determine the application.


Applicant:   Co-operative Group Food Limited


The following papers are attached.


(i)         Licensing Team Leader’s report.

(ii)        Appendix A – Application and plan.

(iii)       Appendix B – Map of the area.

(iv)       Appendix C - Copies of representations.

(v)        Appendix D – Additional information provided by the applicant.


The procedure to be followed by the Sub-Committee is attached to this agenda.


The sub-committee considered an application from Co-operative Food Store in respect of Co-op, Ground Floor Retail Unit (former Buckland Mill), Crabble Hill, Dover CT17 0FA. The application was for a premises licence for a convenience store which would be selling groceries, sundry items and alcohol for consumption off the premises as follows:


Supply of Alcohol (for consumption off the premises)


Every Day

06:00 – 23:00 hrs


On the basis of the representations of the applicant’s representatives, and other persons, the sub-committee found the following facts to be established:


(i)            There had been no representations made by any of the Responsible Authorities, including the Police.


(ii)           One representation was received from Dover Town Council (DTC) who stated that people who purchase alcohol early were more likely to drink in public places and become intoxicated. This would cause street crime, including anti-social behaviour and public order offences. They also stated that the premises [the Co-op] was in close proximity to a number of schools, putting children at risk and that selling alcohol before 09:00 hrs was deeply inappropriate.


(iii)         Mr Precious added that the main bus stop for schools was in the vicinity of the premises and that street drinkers were known to gather around that area and around the dis-used toilet blocks across the road.


(iv)         A list of licensed premises in the vicinity of the application site provided by Mr Precious at the hearing was accepted by all parties. The Licensing Team Leader advised that some of the licensed hours were incorrect and corrected the hours accordingly. It was noted that the nearest licensed premises, that being Crabble Post Office and Store, 1 Buckland Avenue, Dover, was licensed from 06:00 – 23:00 hrs every day and was not included on the list provided by Mr Precious.


(v)          It was suggested by Mr Arnott that the crime statistics provided by DTC were an unreliable source of evidence in support of the objection. There were no details of the crimes nor was it known whether the same crime had been reported more than once.


(vi)         Mr Arnott advised that the premises would be a convenience store with ancillary alcohol sales and would not be a dedicated off-licence. Alcohol sales would equate to only 15% of the store’s turnover.


(vii)        Staff would be required to complete a comprehensive and thorough training programme prior to being able to serve alcohol and would receive two refresher training sessions a year. There would be a Challenge 25 policy in place, till prompts to remind staff to check for customers’ age/I.D and there would be up to three personal licence holders at the premises. Staff under the age of 18 would require another member of staff to authorise the alcohol sale. In addition, there would be a risk manager that would oversee the premises and monitor trends in alcohol sales and refusals.



(viii)       Alcohol would be kept away from main doors, located at the rear of the store with spirits located behind the till counter.


(ix)         Mr Arnott did not think it was necessary or proportionate to sell alcohol from 09:00 hrs, as suggested by DTC. There were systems and policies in place to promote the licensing objectives. The Licensing Sub-Committee agreed with this assertion.



In reaching its findings the sub-committee took into account the following


(i)            Dover District Council’s Licensing Policy


(ii)           The Licensing Act 2003 and the guidance given under Section 182 of the Act


(iii)          Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998


(iv)          Article 6 of the Human Rights Act.


RESOLVED:  (a)     GRANT the application for a premises licence in respect of Co-op, Ground Floor Retail Unit (former Buckland Mill), Crabble Hill, Dover CT17 0FA as follows:


Supply of Alcohol (for consumption off the premises)


Every Day

06:00 – 23:00 hrs