Agenda item


Motions for which notice has been given are listed on the agenda in the order in which notice was received, unless the Member giving notice states, in writing, that they propose to move it at a later meeting or withdraw it.


If a Motion set out in the agenda is not moved by the Member who gave notice thereof it shall, unless postponed by consent of the Council, be treated as withdrawn and shall not be moved without fresh notice.


Up to 60 minutes is allowed for this part of the meeting unless extended by the Chairman of Council on a motion moved, duly seconded and approved by the Council.  Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.


The Motions received are set out in the agenda papers.


(1)  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor P M Brivio moved the Motion of which she had given notice as followed:


“This year 25 years since the FAIRTRADE Mark was launched in the UK and Dover District Council notes that:


     Since 1994 consumer demand for Fairtrade has grown thanks to the efforts of grassroots campaigners and pioneering Fair Trade businesses.

     There are now over 600 Fairtrade Communities in the UK and more than 2,000 globally.

     As a result of Fairtrade commitments from mainstream brands and retailers, the UK Fairtrade market is now one of the biggest in the world.

     Global Fairtrade sales last year generated £142 million in Fairtrade Premium. Farmers in 73 countries have invested this money in their communities, increasing business productivity and contributing to the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

     Despite this positive news, exploitation remains rampant in global supply chains. More than 40 million people are trapped in modern slavery, including forced labour, and 152 million young people in child labour. Hundreds of millions more are earning less than a living income or wage.


This council believes that:


     Fairtrade has a significant contribution to make towards ending exploitation in global supply chains.

     The recently agreed International Fairtrade Charter should be welcomed, with its vision of transforming trade to work for people and planet.

     The Fairtrade principles of paying a ‘premium’ that is wholly managed by farmers and workers themselves, and of minimum prices to protect producers from market volatility, are crucial to systemic change.

     Public bodies, including local authorities, should support ethical procurement policies, using their purchasing power to support Fairtrade and ensure their supply chains, at home and abroad, are free of exploitation, including modern slavery.

     Companies operating through global supply chains should go further and take steps to require the payment of living wages and achievement of living incomes for all.


This council resolves to:


     Commits to achieve ‘Fairtrade Community’ status.

     Actively promote Fairtrade locally, through support for local groups, in the media including social media, and events, including during Fairtrade Fortnight.

     Support local Fairtrade Schools, and actively promote Fairtrade teaching materials in local schools and educational institutions.

     Celebrate and incentivise businesses championing Fairtrade products in the local community.

     Review its procurement policy, including its catering offer, to ensure that Fairtrade produce is chosen wherever possible, and that Fairtrade considerations are included as a preference in any contracts going out to tender.”


The Motion was duly seconded by Councillor S J Jones.


On being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED:   This year 25 years since the FAIRTRADE Mark was launched in the UK and Dover District Council notes that:


     Since 1994 consumer demand for Fairtrade has grown thanks to the efforts of grassroots campaigners and pioneering Fair Trade businesses.

     There are now over 600 Fairtrade Communities in the UK and more than 2,000 globally.

     As a result of Fairtrade commitments from mainstream brands and retailers, the UK Fairtrade market is now one of the biggest in the world.

     Global Fairtrade sales last year generated £142 million in Fairtrade Premium. Farmers in 73 countries have invested this money in their communities, increasing business productivity and contributing to the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

     Despite this positive news, exploitation remains rampant in global supply chains. More than 40 million people are trapped in modern slavery, including forced labour, and 152 million young people in child labour. Hundreds of millions more are earning less than a living income or wage.


                 This council believes that:


     Fairtrade has a significant contribution to make towards ending exploitation in global supply chains.

     The recently agreed International Fairtrade Charter should be welcomed, with its vision of transforming trade to work for people and planet.

     The Fairtrade principles of paying a ‘premium’ that is wholly managed by farmers and workers themselves, and of minimum prices to protect producers from market volatility, are crucial to systemic change.

     Public bodies, including local authorities, should support ethical procurement policies, using their purchasing power to support Fairtrade and ensure their supply chains, at home and abroad, are free of exploitation, including modern slavery.

     Companies operating through global supply chains should go further and take steps to require the payment of living wages and achievement of living incomes for all.


                 This council resolves to:


     Commits to achieve ‘Fairtrade Community’ status.

     Actively promote Fairtrade locally, through support for local groups, in the media including social media, and events, including during Fairtrade Fortnight.

     Support local Fairtrade Schools, and actively promote Fairtrade teaching materials in local schools and educational institutions.

     Celebrate and incentivise businesses championing Fairtrade products in the local community.

     Review its procurement policy, including its catering offer, to ensure that Fairtrade produce is chosen wherever possible, and that Fairtrade considerations are included as a preference in any contracts going out to tender.



(2)  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor K Mills moved the Motion of which he had given notice as followed:


“We note that there are 8 million people in this country who have trouble putting food on the table according to the UN. Over 500,000 people used Foodbanks in the UK last year.


The Trussell Trust alone distributed over 1.3m three-day emergency food supplies of people in crisis in the financial year 2017/ 18. Three million children are at risk of hunger during the school holidays and around 10% of the NHS budget goes on treating diabetes and up to 1 million people live in food deserts in the UK.


We further note that the Government's commitment to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals which apply internationally and domestically commits governments to ending hunger by 2030.


We resolve to ask the Council to commit to food justice in the Dover District area by nominating a Cabinet member/ Lead Member the responsibility of delivering food justice, setting up a food partnership, and asking Scrutiny to investigate the extent of the issue and what can be done to tackle it.”


The Motion was duly seconded by Councillor C D Zosseder.


Councillor S S Chandler duly seconded by Councillor T J Bartlett, moved an AMENDMENT to the final paragraph of the Motion as followed:


“We resolve to ask scrutiny to investigate the extent of the issue in the Dover District and what can be done to tackle it.”


Councillor K Mills, with the agreement of his seconder, agreed to accept the AMENDMENT and it became the SUBSTANTIVE Motion.


RESOLVED:    We note that there are 8 million people in this country who have trouble putting food on the table according to the UN. Over 500,000 people used Foodbanks in the UK last year.


The Trussell Trust alone distributed over 1.3m three-day emergency food supplies of people in crisis in the financial year 2017/ 18. Three million children are at risk of hunger during the school holidays and around 10% of the NHS budget goes on treating diabetes and up to 1 million people live in food deserts in the UK.


We further note that the Government's commitment to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals which apply internationally and domestically commits governments to ending hunger by 2030.


We resolve to ask scrutiny to investigate the extent of the issue in the Dover District and what can be done to tackle it.




Supporting documents: