Motions for which notice has been given are listed on the agenda in the order in which notice was received, unless the Member giving notice states, in writing, that they propose to move it at a later meeting or withdraw it.
If a Motion set out in the agenda is not moved by the Member who gave notice thereof it shall, unless postponed by consent of the Council, be treated as withdrawn and shall not be moved without fresh notice.
The Motions received are set out in the agenda papers.
(1) In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor D R Friend moved the following Motion:
“Debate Not Hate motion
The intimidation and abuse of councillors, in person or otherwise, undermines democracy; preventing elected members from representing the communities they serve, deterring individuals from standing for election, and undermining public life in democratic processes.
This council notes that increasing levels of toxicity in public and political discourse is having a detrimental impact of local democracy and that prevention, support and responses to abuse and intimidation of local politicians must improve to ensure councillors feel safe and able to continue representing their residents.
This council therefore commits to challenge the normalisation of abuse against councillors and officers and uphold exemplary standards of public and political debate in all it does. The council further agrees to sign up to the LGA’s Debate Not Hate campaign. The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the role of councillors in local communities, encourage healthy debate and improve the response to and support those in public life facing abuse and intimidation.
In addition, this council resolves to;
• Write to the local Member of Parliament to ask them to support the campaign
• Write to the Government to ask them to work with the LGA to develop and implement a plan to address abuse and intimidation of politicians
• Regularly review the support available to councillors in relation to abuse and intimidation and councillor safety
• Work with the local police to ensure there is a clear and joined-up mechanism for reporting threats and other concerns about the safety of councillors and their families and discuss the need to take a preventative approach that accounts for the specific risks that councillors face, as they do with other high-risk individuals, like MPs.
• Take a zero-tolerance approach to abuse of councillors and officers.”
The Motion was seconded by Councillor M Bates.
Councillor S H Beer moved as an AMENDMENT as followed:
Insert new bullet point after second bullet point:
· Recognise that members who are women or from minority groups are more likely to receive personal attacks, threats of violence and ongoing harassment.
Amend fourth bullet point as followed:
· Regularly review the support available to councillors in relation to abuse and intimidation and councillor safety and add special training sessions for women if requested, in line with Council’s commitment to equalities.
Councillor D R Friend and his seconder, Councillor M Bates, agreed to accept the amendment which became the SUBSTANTIVE Motion.
Councillor C A Vinson moved an AMENDMENT as followed:
Add the following to the end of the Motion:
Councillor D R Friend and his seconder, Councillor M Bates, agreed to accept the amendment, whereupon with the consent of Council it was put to the meeting as the SUBSTANTIVE Motion and it was
RESOLVED: The intimidation and abuse of councillors, in person or otherwise, undermines democracy; preventing elected members from representing the communities they serve, deterring individuals from standing for election, and undermining public life in democratic processes.
This council notes that increasing levels of toxicity in public and political discourse is having a detrimental impact of local democracy and that prevention, support and responses to abuse and intimidation of local politicians must improve to ensure councillors feel safe and able to continue representing their residents.
This council therefore commits to challenge the normalisation of abuse against councillors and officers and uphold exemplary standards of public and political debate in all it does. The council further agrees to sign up to the LGA’s Debate Not Hate campaign. The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the role of councillors in local communities, encourage healthy debate and improve the response to and support those in public life facing abuse and intimidation.
In addition, this council resolves to
• Write to the local Member of Parliament to ask them to support the campaign
• Write to the Government to ask them to work with the LGA to develop and implement a plan to address abuse and intimidation of politicians
• Recognise that members who are women or from minority groups are more likely to receive personal attacks, threats of violence and ongoing harassment.
• Regularly review the support available to councillors in relation to abuse and intimidation and councillor safety and add special training sessions for women if requested, in line with Council’s commitment to equalities.
• Work with the local police to ensure there is a clear and joined-up mechanism for reporting threats and other concerns about the safety of councillors and their families and discuss the need to take a preventative approach that accounts for the specific risks that councillors face, as they do with other high-risk individuals, like MPs.
• Take a zero-tolerance approach to abuse of councillors and officers.
This Council additionally resolves to write to Town and Parish Councils in the district and encourage them to adopt this Motion.
Supporting documents: