e-petition details

1 Hour Free Parking for Dover District Council Car Parks.

We the undersigned petition the council to consider implementing a policy to offer 1 hour of free parking in all Council-owned car parks. We believe that this initiative will encourage more residents and visitors to frequent local businesses, thereby stimulating our local economy and fostering a vibrant community atmosphere. By reducing the financial burden of parking, we can make our town centres more accessible and appealing to everyone, ultimately benefiting local businesses and the community as a whole. Thank you for considering our request. Sincerely, The Undersigned

Offering 1 hour of free parking in Council-owned car parks can have a significant positive impact on our local economy. It would make shopping locally a more attractive option, drawing more customers to our high streets and supporting small businesses. This increased footfall can lead to higher sales volumes, boosting business revenues and potentially leading to job creation. Furthermore, it can enhance the vibrancy and vitality of our town centres, making them more enjoyable places to visit and live near. This initiative could also reduce congestion and pollution in our town centres as people may be less inclined to drive further afield for their shopping needs. Overall, this simple change could bring substantial benefits to our community.

On reaching 20 signatures and having passed the closing date for the e-petition, it will be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration in accordance with the Council's adopted Petition Scheme. The Petition Organiser will be advised the date of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee where the e-petition will be received and will have up to 10 minutes to present their e-petition to the members of the Committee.

This e-petition ran from 22/07/2024 to 01/10/2024 and has now finished.

686 people signed this e-petition.


This Council accepts no liability for the petitions on these web pages. The views expressed in the petitions do not necessarily reflect those of Dover District Council.


Data Protection (The Council)

The Council requires the name and address of everyone who signs a petition to validate that they are a resident of the Dover District. For electronic petitions an email address is also required.


Contact Democratic Services

E-mail: democraticservices@dover.gov.uk