The title of this public land is registered to our Dover District
- [ ] 97 square metres of this public grassland could be
transferred from public to private land. The aim is to retain this
area as an open green space. North Deal is deprived in terms of the
living environment. At 3.8 square metres, it is well under the
national average of 30 square metres per person. We need to retain
this public green space as an integral part of the limited green
space available to North Deal.
On reaching 20 signatures and having passed the closing date for the e-petition, it will be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration in accordance with the Council's adopted Petition Scheme. The Petition Organiser will be advised the date of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee where the e-petition will be received and will have up to 10 minutes to present their e-petition to the members of the Committee.
This e-petition ran from 27/08/2024 to 24/09/2024 and has now finished.
418 people signed this e-petition.