
Committee Chairman


Purpose of Role:


To chair meetings of the committee to which they have been appointed by Council in accordance with the committee's terms of reference and to provide leadership and direction to the committee.


Duties and responsibilities (in addition to those of a Ward Councillor):


(a)  To develop a constructive relationship with the relevant Head of Service, senior officers and appropriate Portfolio Holder.


(b)  To maintain a good working relationship with the Vice-Chairman and Controlling Group Spokesperson of the committee and ensure they are adequately briefed on all relevant issues.


(c)  To be consulted as necessary on the addition of items to the agenda as a matter of urgency.


(d)  To attend briefing meetings with appropriate senior officer(s) as necessary.


(e)  To uphold the Council's Constitution for the conduct of meetings.


(f)   To chair effective and efficient meetings of the committee ensuring that approved procedures are followed, all members of the committee are given equal opportunity to debate business to be conducted, and order is maintained during the meeting.


(g)  To ensure that the Council's decision-making process is transparent, consistent and accountable.


(h)  To use the Chairman's casting vote as and when appropriate.


(i)    To vary the order of business if considered appropriate.


(j)    To approve the final draft Minutes or Notes submitted by Democratic Support officers, suggesting amendments if necessary, and to sign the Minutes/Notes as a correct record of the meeting when approved by the committee at the following meeting.


Specific skills required (in addition to those of a Ward Councillor):


·         Ability to gain information by asking relevant questions and seeking necessary information.

·         Active listening skills to ensure that speakers with differing abilities are heard and understood.

·         Competent in analysing available information, summarising it, explaining outcomes and reasons for outcomes.

·         Interpersonal and communication skills to ensure inclusion of all contributors whilst maintaining the focus and direction of the meeting.

·         Ability to give clear guidance on procedures to be followed, explanation of outcomes if procedures/protocols not observed, and to take necessary and proportionate action when required.

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