Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Review of Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003'
- Dan Friend - Other Significant Interest - Councillor D Friend declared an Other Significant Interest (OSI) in Minute No. 60 (Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Licensing Act 2003) due to his being a personal license holder and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item of business.
- Martin Bates - Other Significant Interest - Councillor M Bates declared an Other Significant Interest (OSI) in Minute No. 60 (Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Licensing Act 2003) due to his wife’s employment and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item of business.
- Oliver Richardson - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Councillor O C de R Richardson declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 60 (Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Licensing Act 2003) due to his son owning a pub and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item of business.
- Sue Jones - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Councillor S J Jones declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 60 (Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Licensing Act 2003) due to her being a license holder and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item of business.
- Trevor Bond - Other Significant Interest - Councillor T A Bond declared an Other Significant Interest (OSI) in Minute No. 60 (Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Licensing Act 2003) due to his employment as a consultant for hotels and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item of business.