Meeting: Thursday, 22nd February, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
6. Application No DOV/23/01174 - The 4 Acres, Elms Vale Road, Hougham
- Michael Nee - Bias and Predetermination - Councillor M J Nee stated that he had been involved in casework in relation to Agenda Item 6 (Application No DOV/23/01174 – The 4 Acres, Elms Vale Road, Hougham). He had been in communication with an objector and had also visited the site with the applicant. To avoid any perception of bias, he would leave the meeting during this item.
Meeting: Thursday, 22nd February, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
12. Application No DOV/23/00521 - The Larch Nursery, Beacon Lane, Woodnesborough
- Nicholas Kenton - Other Significant Interest - Councillor N S Kenton declared an Other Significant Interest in Agenda Item 12 (Application No DOV/23/00521 – The Larch Nursery, Beacon Lane, Woodnesborough) by reason that his son was a planning agent and would be speaking in support of the application.
Meeting: Thursday, 7th March, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
4. Application No DOV/22/01158 - Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Sholden
- Shehrazade Maria Mamjan - Bias and Predetermination - Councillor S M S Mamjan stated that, in the interests of transparency, she wished to declare that she had signed a petition against development in the country park in 2022. She had done so before she was a councillor and member of the Planning Committee and without having the facts and details at hand. Since becoming a councillor, she had committed to acting in a fair and transparent way, recusing herself from meetings if necessary. She had attended an official briefing about the proposed developments and had also heard representations from the Friends of Betteshanger group. With the facts and details now at hand, she had an understanding of the proposals, and was approaching the applications with complete objectivity and with a view to making a balanced decision.
Meeting: Thursday, 7th March, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
5. Application No DOV/23/01095 - Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Sholden
- Shehrazade Maria Mamjan - Bias and Predetermination - Councillor S M S Mamjan stated that, in the interests of transparency, she wished to declare that she had signed a petition against development in the country park in 2022. She had done so before she was a councillor and member of the Planning Committee and without having the facts and details at hand. Since becoming a councillor, she had committed to acting in a fair and transparent way, recusing herself from meetings if necessary. She had attended an official briefing about the proposed developments and had also heard representations from the Friends of Betteshanger group. With the facts and details now at hand, she had an understanding of the proposals, and was approaching the applications with complete objectivity and with a view to making a balanced decision.
Meeting: Thursday, 14th March, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
9. Application No DOV/23/00918 - 2a Canada Road, Walmer
- Michael Nee - Bias and Predetermination - Councillor M J Nee stated that the architect involved in Agenda Item 9 (Application No DOV/23/00918 – 2A Canada Road, Walmer) was known to him. However, this had no influence or bearing on his consideration of the application.
Meeting: Thursday, 14th March, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
11. Application No DOV/22/01341 - Land Next to 95 St George's Road, Sandwich
- Dan Friend - Bias and Predetermination - Councillor D R Friend declared that he had been involved in numerous discussions about Agenda Item 11 (Application No DOV/22/01341 – Land Next to 95 St George’s Road, Sandwich). As it could be perceived that he had predetermined the application, and in the interests of openness and transparency, he would leave the Council Chamber during consideration of the application.
- Shehrazade Maria Mamjan - Bias and Predetermination - Councillor S M S Mamjan made a statement that, whilst her son went to the school that was the applicant behind Agenda Item 11 (Application No DOV/22/01341 – Land Next to 95 St George’s Road, Sandwich), she had an open mind in relation to its determination.
Meeting: Thursday, 16th May, 2024 6.00 pm - Planning Committee
14. Application No DOV/23/01389 - Statenborough Farm, Felderland Lane, Worth
- Nicholas Kenton - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Councillor N S Kenton made a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest in Agenda Item 14 (Application No DOV/23/01389 – Statenborough Farm, Felderland Lane, Worth) by reason that he owned the land that was the subject of the application.