Issue - meetings

Performance Report - Third Quarter 2016/17

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Scrutiny (Policy and Performance) Committee (Item 153)

153 Performance Report - Quarter 3 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Governance.

Additional documents:


The Director of Governance presented the Performance Report for Quarter 3, 2016/17.


There were 23 Green, 3 Amber and 8 Red Performance Indicators for Quarter 3, 2016/17, which was an unchanged total from Quarter 2, although the performance of individual indicators had changed. The red performance indicators for Quarter 3, 2016/17 were as follows:


·             EKHC2           (Rent arrears as percentage of annual debit)

·             HOU010a       (Number of households living in temporary accommodation including B&B)

·             HOU010b       (Number of households in bed and breakfast.

·             WAS010         (Residual household waste per household)

·             PLA001           (The percentage of appeals against planning decisions which were successful for the applicant)

·             PLA002           (Percentage of major planning applications determined in 13 weeks (exc. section 106 agreements) or within an agreed extension of time or Planning Performance Agreement)

·             PLA003           (Percentage of minor planning applications determined in 8 weeks (exc. section 106 agreements) or within an agreed extension of time or Planning Performance Agreement)

·             PLA004           (Percentage of other planning applications determined in 8 weeks (exc. section 106 agreements) or within an agreed extension of time or Planning Performance Agreement)


In respect of indicators PLA001-004, Members were advised that there was a national shortage of planning officers which was impacting on the Council’s ability to recruit staff. The Council was working to train new planning officers and was using external contractors as well. In the event that the East Kent Council merger did not happen there was the potential for a shared service solution to provide increased resilience, such as the Council had done with other services such as ICT.


The Director of Customer Services (East Kent Housing) advised in respect of red indicator EKHC2 (Rent arrears as percentage of annual debit) that the arrears were lower than at the same time a year ago and that it was projected that the indictor would be achieved by year end. The impact of Universal Credit on arrears whilst a factor had not been as significant as had originally been expected.


In response to a question from Councillor S F Bannister concerning why indicator ENH15 (Number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for dog fouling) had no target, it was stated that this was due to a combination of the intention to achieve behavioural change through education and the difficulty of catching offenders in the act.


The Head of Community Services advised that the new restructured community team bringing together community safety, community development and communication and engagement had settled in well and provided a renewed focus to how the Council worked with and supported the local community. There would be an open day held for Members to meet the restructured team.


The Council was able to reach 57,000 unique followers through ‘Keep Me Posted’ email alerts and inform them of Council initiatives and activities.


In November 2016 a successful Dover Skills and Business Expo was held to showcase local employers, colleges, universities and community organisations and was attended by over 300 people. In response to Councillor T A Bond’s question as to whether the event would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 153

Meeting: 06/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 146)

146 Performance Report - Third Quarter 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Governance.


Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources and Performance

Additional documents:


It was agreed the Council’s Performance Report and Actions for the Third Quarter 2016/17 be noted.