Issue - meetings

Housing Stock Compliance

Meeting: 16/11/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)

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To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial).


The Head of Assets and Building Control presented the report on Housing Stock Compliance.


Members were advised that following the transfer of housing functions to Dover District Council from East Kent Housing (EKH) on 1 October 2020, officers had the opportunity to examine EKH compliance data in detail. As a result of this it was confirmed that there were a considerable number of inaccuracies and that the performance figures were based on the misinterpretation of base data. As accurate data was the prerequisite for compliance performance information it was a priority to get control of the data as soon as possible and while the work would take several months to complete it was anticipated that it would be possible to accurately report data for some of the workstreams by the end of October. The reporting measures would be consistent with those contained in the Voluntary Undertaking to the Social Housing Regulator and in the longer term would be incorporated into the Corporate Performance report. The Council’s Strategic Asset Management (SAM) system was the base for ensuring compliance with accurate data.


Members recognised the scale of work to be undertaken by officers to achieve accurate data and expressed support for their actions.


The Chairman thanked the Head of Assets and Building Control for the update and the work being undertaken.


Meeting: 09/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 45)

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To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Operations and Commercial).


Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Housing and Health



It was agreed that the current status which related to statutory health and safety compliance associated with managing the housing stock and the actions being taken to verify the accuracy of compliance data be noted.