To consider the report of the Head of Commercial Services.
Additional documents:
The Head of Commercial Services presented the Garden Waste Containerisation Project report.
Members were informed that the Council’s existing garden waste collection service was based on reusable sacks for the containment of the garden waste. The collection crews were at an increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries when residents filled the sacks beyond the maximum permitted weight of 20kg. The report recommended the replacement of the sacks with a wheeled-bin instead to mitigate this risk. The report also contained a number of recommendations in respect of the fees, and revised terms and conditions for the service.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Environment, Councillor N S Kenton, was also in attendance and advised that the size of the replacement bin was being considered. The current standard size bin was 240 litres but there was the option of using one or more smaller 180 litre bins for green waste if the Council wanted. Currently, subscribers to the green waste scheme had 6 x 60 litre bags (a total of 360 litres).
It was noted that there would be no perfect solution to the required changes to the service and that some areas might not be able to utilise the new bins. There were just under 10,000 subscribers currently to the green waste scheme. It was proposed that the first bin would be free.
Members raised the following points:
· Whether the required number of bins could be delivered in time.
· How customers would be advised of the change.
· How many subscribers would be unable to use the green waste service following the introduction of containerisation.
· Whether people joining the scheme in future years would need to purchase their bin or it would be given free to them.
· Whether the increased number of calls generated by such a changeover in April/May would cause problems for Civica who would be dealing with Council Tax enquiries during that period. In response it was stated that the renewal occurred at this point every year and it was not expected that there would be a problem in terms of the volume of calls.
The Head of Commercial Services advised that the manufacturer of the new green waste bins was a large operator and it was anticipated that they would be able to deliver the required number of bins for the start date of the new service. Additionally, new bin lifts would be fitted to the vehicles.
It was not possible to advise Members how many subscribers would be lost because of the change but it was accepted there would be challenges. However, it was expected that people would appreciate the change once they were used to it. Communication would go out to all subscribers in respect of the proposed changes.
It the absence of any dissent, it was agreed to note the report.
5 Garden Waste Containerisation PDF 92 KB
To consider the report of the Head of Commercial Services (to follow).
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Planning and Environment
Additional documents:
It was agreed:
(a) That the use of garden waste sacks be withdrawn and replaced with wheeled bins, in the interests of the Health & Safety of the refuse collection contractor’s workforce.
(b) That the Head of Commercial Services be authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Environment, to finalise and approve the draft Garden Waste Service Terms and Conditions (as set out at Appendix 1 of the report), subject to the outcome of a short period of consultation with existing users of the service.