To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Finance and Housing).
Additional documents:
The Strategic Director (Finance and Housing) presented the report on the Council Budget 2023/24 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2023/24-2026/27.
Members were advised that the proposed Council Tax increase of 2.98% meant that Dover District Council still had the lowest Council Tax in East Kent. The forecast deficit in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was from planned works and the Capital Programme was fully funded although resources were depleted.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change, Councillor C A Vinson was also in attendance.
Members considered the report and raised the following points:
· To acknowledge the difficulties in long-term planning with uncertainties over funding streams under review by the Government.
· To discuss the impact of any future Business Rate revaluation on the Council. Members were advised that it should have a neutral impact on the Council but it would not be certain until it had been conducted.
· That the small percentage of the Council Tax that went to the Council compared to other preceptors should be emphasised in any publicity and billing.
· To discuss the future of the smoothing reserve and how it would be rebuilt.
· The impact of savings requirements on the Council.
· To welcome the digital reserve and highlight the benefit that investing in digital services had in modernising the Council.
· To question whether sufficient provision had been made to resolve damp and mould issues in Council housing. Members were advised that the allocated provision had been made in consultation with Property Services.
· To discuss how the budget could be made more accessible to residents in future, possibly through greater use of visual aids such as pie charts. Members were reminded that while this would be explored further the report had to fulfil its primary statutory purposes.
It was agreed with the affirmation of the meeting
RESOLVED: That it be recommended to Cabinet that the General Fund Revenue Budget, the Capital and Special Projects Programmes, the Housing Revenue Account budget and the content of the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP), as proposed in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted.
25 Council Budget 2023/24 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2023/24-2026/27 PDF 121 KB
To consider the report of the Strategic Director (Finance and Housing) (to follow).
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change
Additional documents:
It was agreed:
(a) That the General Fund Revenue Budget, the Capital and Special Projects Programmes, the Housing Revenue Account budget and the content of the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP), as proposed in Appendix 1 of the report, be forwarded to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
(b) That the increase in social and shared ownership rents be approved.
(c) That the draft budget be placed on the Council’s website, to be available for comments.
(d) That it be noted that the impact of the 2023 Business Rates revaluation of the General Fund funding is still being finalised. Any changes will be reflected in adjustments to the use of the smoothing reserve in the final budget.
(e) That it be noted that the remaining annexes, including the Council Tax Resolution and Treasury Management, Investment and Capital Strategies, will be added to the MTFP and other minor adjustments made before being presented to Council in March.