To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory).
Additional documents:
The Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory) presented the Strategic Performance Dashboard for Quarter 3, 2022/23.
In response to concerns from Members that the Strategic Performance Dashboard was not particularly strategic, the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory) advised that following the trial year of the new Dashboard it would be reviewed and that a revised format would be brought to Members. It was acknowledged that it needed to be simpler and more strategic in the indicators it focussed on.
Members raised the following points in relation to the Strategic Performance Dashboard:
· To congratulate the Head of Property Assets on his teams work over the last year.
· To question the accuracy of the Dover footfall figures. Members expressed concern it did not match with their anecdotal experience.
· To express concern at the parking income figures forecast. It was stated that this was a forecast and subject to potential change.
· To question if the decrease in leisure centre usage part of a trend or a temporary situation. Anecdotally it was noted that the Dover Leisure Centre remained busy.
· In respect of questions relating to specific indicators HOM012 and HOM013, it was suggested that this would be better discussed with officers outside of the meeting.
It was with the affirmation of the meeting agreed to note the Strategic Dashboard for Quarter 3, 2022/23.
(Councillor T A Bond declared a Voluntary Announcement of Other Interest by reason of his wife’s employment.)
41 Strategic Performance Dashboard - Third Quarter 2022/23 PDF 92 KB
To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Corporate and Regulatory).
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change
Additional documents:
It was agreed that the Council’s Strategic Performance Dashboard for the Third Quarter 2022/23 be noted.