Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 21st July, 2023 10.00 am

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No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor M F Hibbert.


Appointment of Substitute Members

To note appointment of Substitute Members.


It was noted that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4, Councillor M P Porter was in attendance as substitute for Councillor M F Hibbert.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest made by Members.


Licensing Act 2003 - Application to vary a Premises Licence at Solley's Farm Ice Cream Ltd, The Dairy, Ripple, Deal

The Sub-Committee is requested to determine the application.


The following papers are attached


(i)         Licensing Manager's report

(ii)        Appendix A – Application to vary the premises licence

(iii)       Appendix B – Existing premises licence

(iv)       Appendix C – Map of the area

(v)        Appendix D – Representation from Kent Fire & Rescue Service, and further confirmation from Kent Fire & Rescue Service confirming that they wished to withdraw their representation.

(vi)       Appendix E – Representations from Other Persons


The procedure to be followed by the Sub-Committee is attached to this agenda.


The Sub-Committee considered an application for the variation of the current premises licence at Solley’s Farms Ice Cream Limited, The Dairy, Ripple, Deal, Kent, CT14 8JL to: increase the licensable area incorporating a newly built bar (for ON and OFF sales), replace the ON sales provision to OFF sales at the ice cream parlour, extend the provision for alcohol sales to every day and extend the times, extend the provision for live music to every day and extend the times, removed the condition that states events will be ticketed only and limited to 1,00  guests and replace with a condition that stated any events over 500 persons will be ticketed only and that the maximum number of persons allowed to attend ticketed events was to be 1,500


Supply of Alcohol (for consumption (for consumption ON and OFF the premises in the bar “Red Bar Area” and for consumption OFF the premises only in the Ice Cream Parlour)


Monday – Thursday

12:00 – 22:00 hrs


12:00 – 23:00 hrs


11:00 – 23:00 hrs


11:00 – 22:00 hrs


Live Music (Indoors and Outdoors)


Every Day

13:00 – 22:00 hrs


Opening Hours


Sunday – Thursday

10:00 – 22:00 hrs

Friday – Saturday

10:00 – 23:00 hrs


A written statement from Keith Morrison, Managing Director and Mr Morrison provided clarification before the hearing regarding: the use of a tent bar, the purpose of requesting that ON sales be removed for the ice cream parlour, and any representation regarding additional SIA supervisors for events with up to 1,500 attendees.


The following documentary evidence and/or other information was taken into account by the Sub-Committee:


(i)               The Licensing Manager’s report including, the options available to the Sub-Committee


(ii)              Application from Solley’s Farms ice Cream Limited to vary the premises licence (appendix A of the agenda)


(iii)            Existing premises licence (appendix B of the agenda)


(iv)            Map of the area (appendix C of the agenda)


(v)             Representation from Kent Fire and Rescue Service, and further confirmation from Kent Fire and Rescue Service confirming that they wished to withdraw their representation (appendix D of the agenda)


(vi)            Representations from Other Persons (appendix E of the agenda)


On the basis of the written representations on behalf of the applicant (and he three points of clarification by Mr Morrison ahead of the hearing) and the written representations from Other Person, the Sub-Committee found the following facts to be established:


(i)               The variation application was made by Solley’s Farms Ice Cream Limited represented by Mr Morrison, Managing Director who apologised for being unable to attend in person but who provided a written statement and three points of clarification ahead of the hearing. The Sub-Committee decided to proceed in the Applicant’s absence.


(ii)              During the consultation process five representations objecting to the application were received from Other Persons. The Sub-Committee had regard to the written representations which cited the prevention of public nuisance and public safety. The objections included disruption due to the extended live music time, consumption of alcohol  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.