Agenda item


To consider the attached report to the Head of Inward Investment.


The Head of Inward Investment and Tourism introduced the Tourism and Visitor Economy Strategy.


Members were advised that economic development, tourism, inward investment and the visitor economy were considered a central component of Dover District Council’s work and over the last year the Council had invested in tourism and the visitor economy. The Tourism and Visitor Economy Strategy aimed to compliment, support and influence Dover District Council’s wider strategies, policies and planning decisions; including the emerging Corporate Plan and Local Plan. It also aimed to raise current and future aspirations and opportunities on the national stage. The Strategy had been approved for consultation by the Cabinet at its meeting held on 4 November 2019 with an expected launch date in the spring.


The Head of Inward Investment and Tourism highlighted the importance of investment interest in the district and the opportunities for regeneration that came with it. As part of this there was a need to ensure that the skills base of the district was developed sufficiently to provide for the new employment opportunities that would come with new investment.


The Portfolio Holder for Community and Tourism stated that the Strategy represented a significant shift in the focus of the district and was an ambitious plan to promote the district at a national and international level. The district also had an opportunity as a result of the 149th Open Golf Championship and BREXIT to capitalise on national and international media attention.


Councillor C A Vinson welcomed the Strategy and asked what growth numbers would be considered a success. In response the Strategic Tourism Manager advised that the ‘Cambridge Model’ would be used to monitor the amount of tourism spend annually and its translation to jobs and economic activity. The focus for the first year would be additional investment in the hotel and hospitality sector.


In response to a question concerning how the Strategy would seek to improve the satisfaction scores for Dover in comparison to Deal and Sandwich, the Head of Inward Investment and Tourism advised that this was partly due to the welcome in Dover not being as good with many attractions closed during the shoulder season which impacted on cruise passengers arriving in the town and there were improvements, such as to the Market Square area, that would help with ‘place making’.  


Members discussed the importance of the heritage agenda, particularly in respect of Dover, and the need to ensure all heritage assets were properly utilised.


Councillor M Rose pointed out that Shakespeare Beach needed to be cleaned up so it could be better used and Councillor L A Keen requested that Aylesham be recognized as part of this Strategy.


RESOLVED:   That it be recommended to Cabinet that it be congratulated on the Tourism and Visitor Economy Strategy and that the report recommendations be endorsed subject to:


(a)          The addition of numerical based targets; and


(b)          That plans be developed to increase the level of satisfaction for visitors to Dover in line with that of visitors to Sandwich and Deal.




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