Agenda item


To consider the attached report of the Head of Leadership Support.


The Head of Leadership Support presented the Performance Report Quarter 1, 2020-21. Members were advised that due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Council had not produced Quarter 4, 2019-20 figures and the last comparable figures were for Quarter 3, 2019-20.


There were 22 Green Status Performance Indicators (67%), 5 Amber (15%) and 6 Red (18%) for Quarter 1, 2020-21.


Members raised concerns over what they viewed as the low targets of 60% and 80% respectively for performance indicators EKS02d.1 (percentage of incidents resolved within 1 working day) and EKS02d.2 (percentage of incidents resolved within 3 working days). It was pointed out that Q3 performance outturn had exceed both targets and the point of whether a stretch target for 2020-21 would have been a better target to encourage improvements in performance was raised. It was suggested that performance improvements did not necessarily require increased funding but could potentially be achieved through training or smarter working. The importance of remote working to the Council in the current Covid-19 pandemic was emphasized by Members.




Members were advised that Civica had provided resources to support the Council during the Covid-19 pandemic and this would have impacted on their performance in some areas.


In response to a question about the absence of a RAG status and direction of travel indicator for KPI03-d (the percentage of council taxes due for the financial year which were received in year by the authority), Members were advised that this would be investigated further.



East Kent Housing

In response to a question about the absence of RAG statuses and direction of travel indicators for EKHD1 (Total current tenant arrears (including court costs)) and EKHD2 (Average current tenant arrears per rented unit), it was stated that this was be investigated further.


The Chairman stated that once the housing service was back in-house after 1 October 2020 the committee would be better able to monitor compliance matters.



Corporate Resources

Members were advised that performance in relation to indicators ENH012 (Number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for litter) and ENH015 (Number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for dog fouling) had been affected by the diverting of resources to support other areas of activity related to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Performance Summary – General Fund, HRA and Capital

It was stated that the while the government had made a significant payment towards costs relating to homelessness it was not 100% of the costs incurred.


RESOLVED:       That it be recommended to Cabinet that the Performance Report Quarter 1, 2020-21 be noted subject to:


(a)  That the Cabinet be asked to note the concerns of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of the low levels set as targets for performance indicators EKS02d.1 (percentage of incidents resolved within 1 working day) and EKS02d.2 (percentage of incidents resolved within 3 working days) and that these be reviewed. As part of this, a comparison with the targets for other local authorities was proposed.


(b)  That the appropriate Portfolio Holder and officers be requested to work with East Kent Services to improve performance in respect of EKS02d.1 and EKS02d.2 through smarter working practices.


(c)   That performance indicator KPI03-d (the percentage of council taxes due for the financial year which were received in year by the authority) have a trend and RAG status indicator added for future editions of the Performance Report.

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