To consider the attached report of the Licensing Manager.
The Committee considered the report of the Licensing Manager where an application for a Street Trading Consent had been applied for. The application, made by Mrs. Jennie Bartram, sought permission to sell seasonal fruit and vegetables from a 2.5 x 2.5m gazebo outside St George’s Church, High Street, Deal from May to September each year from Wednesday to Saturday between 08.30 – 16.00 hrs.
Following a 28-day consultation period 14 representations were received objecting to the application. Many of the objectors stated there was already sufficient provision of fruit and vegetable outlets in the town and the additional provision would damage existing businesses. The location of the gazebo was a popular area for people in the town to gather at the benches located in front of the church. Bike racks were also on this part of the pavement and the addition of a gazebo in this area would create congestion on the pavement forcing people into the road.
In accordance with the approved procedure the applicant had the opportunity to present their application to the Committee and address the objections. Mrs. Bartram and her family were experienced stall holders having traded from Whitefriars in Canterbury for 20 years and more recently a pop-up stall in Deal. The stalls sold local, seasonal produce only, at affordable prices.
During the recent restrictions, as a result of the Coronavirus, Mrs. Bartram had been selling locally sourced fruit and vegetables with the permission of the landlord from her existing business premises, a Florists, in St George’s passage. With the easing of restrictions this permission had ceased. During this time Mrs. Bartram had also provided a produce delivery service which she said was invaluable to the more elderly residents.
Mrs. Bartram had liaised with Kent County Council (KCC) and the church to establish a suitable location for the gazebo and following advice from KCC the original siting of the gazebo was moved to the location being sought in the application. Discussion had also taken place with two of the existing fruit and vegetable shop owners who were supportive of the application. These businesses were located at the opposite end of the High Street.
Addressing the concerns of some Members Mrs. Bartram advised that the gazebo and table was small with no intention to increase its size and that it didn’t obstruct the benches in that location and although there was a church noticeboard in the vicinity the church had not objected.
The Committee withdrew to consider the application, the concerns of the representations and Dover District Council’s policy in regard to Street Consents. The Committee noted that Mrs. Bartram had been selling fruit and vegetables during the recent Coronavirus restrictions and therefore the siting of this stall would not be adding an additional outlet and it would be addressing the need for affordable, local produce. In addition, it noted that Kent County Council had stated the location of the gazebo would not be creating an obstruction.
RESOLVED: That, the application for Street Trading Consent outside St George’s Church, High Street, Deal made by Mrs Jennie Bartram to trade from a 2.5 x 2.5m gazebo be GRANTED for a period of 12 months with permission to trade from 1 May – 30 September, Wednesday – Saturday between 08.30 – 16.30 hrs.
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