Agenda item

Questions from Members

Up to 60 minutes is allowed for this part of the meeting unless extended by the Chairman of the Council or on a motion moved, duly seconded and approved by the Council.  Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.


Members may ask one supplementary question in addition to their original question.


The questions received are set out in the order received in the agenda papers.


In accordance with Rule 12(1) of the Council Procedure Rules, Members of the Cabinet responded to the following questions:


(1)  Councillor D R Friend asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change, Councillor C A Vinson:


“Will the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change update the Council on steps we’re taking to help residents insulate their homes and cut their energy bills, as part of our wider commitment to cut the Council’s carbon emissions to net zero by 2030, and ambition to achieve the same goal across the whole district by 2050?”


In response Councillor C A Vinson stated:


"This Council recognises the current pressure on household energy bills and acknowledges the significant help provided to households and businesses by the government through its various support schemes. Fuel poverty is not a new issue, and locally we have been working for many years to help low income households in our district improve their homes' insulation and reduce their energy bills. This complements our commitment to reduce the Council's carbon emissions to net zero by 2030, and the same ambition for the whole district by 2050.


In the past two years alone we have supported 123 households with upgrades to their home heating, insulation and energy efficiency - delivering nearly £1million in direct grant funding. In addition 116 households in the Dover district have received solar panels through the Kent Solar Together scheme, which will re-launch later this month.


Our support for households will continue, and details are being finalised for the next iteration of the Energy Company Obligation scheme, which will be responsible for Dover's share of £4billion in home energy improvements over the next 3 years. This Council has also put aside £80K of our UK Shared Prosperity Funding to help vulnerable households with their energy bills.


And turning to social housing, our commitment to add 500 properties to our stock has already delivered many new homes to our district. These have been built at or above current energy efficiency standards, including interim accommodation units at Stockdale Gardens in Deal whose entire energy consumption is met by rooftop solar panels. In the coming years we will also upgrade our existing social housing stock with improved insulation alongside solar PV and low carbon heating.


To cut our carbon emissions further the Council has switched its electricity contract to 100% renewable generation, replaced nearly 3,000 streetlights with low energy LEDs and improved the lighting and control systems across its buildings. Our leisure centres in Dover and Deal have reduced their energy consumption by 21% and 9% respectively in the past year, and work continues with our leisure providers to further reduce the carbon emissions from what are our biggest emitters.


Finally I'd like to offer my personal thanks to Amanda Martin, whose long service and expertise as this Council's lead officer on energy efficiency, tackling fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions sadly comes to an end this year. I wish her the very best for her retirement."

There was no supplementary question asked.


(2)  Councillor J S Back asked the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing, Port Health, Skills and Education, Councillor D P Murphy:


“Would the Portfolio Holder for Social Housing, Port Health, Skills and Education agree with me that the construction of 26 affordable homes on Napchester Road in Whitfield is yet another positive step by this Council to meet residents' housing needs, and could he provide an update on our programme to grow our social housing stock and improve conditions for our tenants?”


In response Councillor D P Murphy stated:


“The construction of 26 new homes, including 3 homes for wheelchair users, at Napchester Road is something to be celebrated, and forms part of the Council’s actions to address the Housing Needs of the Districts’ residents. Members will be aware of the first District-wide Affordable Housing Needs survey, which is currently open for responses until 18th April. This is the first time the Council has directly  invited all residents in the District to tell us about their current and future housing needs. The results of the survey will be used to shape the district’s Affordable Housing Strategy, which is being reviewed this year.


In September 2020, Members approved the delivery of a programme of new Council housing in the district, with an initial target of 500 homes. Against this initial target, 91 new homes have been completed, 38 homes are currently on site under development, and a further 32 homes have been approved by Cabinet and are to start on site early in the next financial year. In addition to this, our Registered Provider partners, working in conjunction with our Affordable Housing Enabler, have delivered 132 affordable homes in the District over the same timeframe. The affordable homes provided by the Council and other RPs include developments in our towns and rural areas. A range of tenures have been provided, including affordable and social rented properties, shared ownership and Interim accommodation, to ensure a valuable contribution is made towards meeting the needs of a wide range of the district’s residents.”


There was no supplementary question asked.


(3)  Councillor E A Biggs asked the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Environment, Councillor N S Kenton:


“Would the Portfolio holder for Planning enforcement, Cllr Kenton, tell us what is being done to ensure that the long suffering residents of Aycliffe are not having their daily lives further disrupted by the latest Lorry park in South Military Road.”


In response Councillor N S Kenton stated:


“The history and background of the lorry park is still being investigated with regards to its lawfulness.


Vehicle activity on the public highway and the safety of highway users are matters for Kent Country Council Highways or the Police to take action over.  Officers are liaising with Kent Country Council Highways.”

A supplementary question was asked in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.6.


(4)  Councillor S H Beer asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change, Councillor C A Vinson:


“What steps are being taken while our digital transformation continues, to preserve multiple routes for residents to communicate with DDC?”


In response Councillor C A Vinson stated:


“The Council’s transformation programme goes far beyond just opportunities presented by the use of digital technologies. Its scope spans the whole Council and seeks to sustain and improve the delivery of high-quality Council services in the most efficient manner for our residents. We continue to offer multiple routes through which local people can contact the Council, and have recently added a further option with the introduction of our Community Roots outreach bus; which visited the North Deal ward on the 18th February.”


A supplementary question was asked in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.6.


(5)  Councillor S H Beer asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Digital and Climate Change, Councillor C A Vinson:


“Are digitally literate residents at an unfair advantage?”


In response Councillor C A Vinson stated:


“The Council recognises that residents across our District have varying levels of digital literacy, which is why we are committed to maintaining a range of routes to contact us, as well as building digital skills in our community - most recently through the provision of IT equipment and training as part of the Dover Skills Project.”


A supplementary question was asked in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.6.


(6)  Councillor M F Hibbert asked the Leader of the Council, Councillor T J Bartlett:


“Would the Leader of the Council agree with me that keeping Dover’s Council Tax the lowest in East Kent and delivering excellent value for money is of great importance to our residents, particularly when household budgets are under significant pressure, and provide an update on our transformation programme to modernise and improve the services we provide for the future?”


In response Councillor T J Bartlett stated:


“Yes, I agree that Dover District residents benefit from the lowest district Council Tax in East Kent. Our Council Tax is substantially lower than our close neighbours and this is a major help for local households.


As Chair of the Transformation board, I’m pleased to provide you an update this evening.


       As an organisation we must move with the times and shape this great organisation accordingly

       Transformation is about taking Staff and Members on the journey from the very beginning.

       A staff survey was launched in December last year.

       Staff were consulted on areas around Support, Communication, Ownership, Pride, and Innovation

       There were 301 responses received, which is 61% of the workforce. ( this is a huge response)

       The majority of staff are satisfied and are proud to work for DDC – this is a good foundation to start the Transformation programme.


Now we are aware of Staff views, we can continue further on our journey.


I have asked Brin Hill who leads on the Transformation programme to work with the Transformation Board (which includes Cllr Mills) and Nadeem to look at helping drive the innovation and create a framework for the Transformation programme going forward.


There will be difficult decisions ahead as we modernise our services and organisation, but we must ensure we take as many staff and customers on this journey


I look forward to updating you further as we continue to Transform.”


There was no supplementary question asked.


(7)  Councillor D A Hawkes asked the Leader of the Council, Councillor T J Bartlett:


“Will the Leader of the Council join me in celebrating the significant grant funding we have secured to regenerate our town centres, and will he provide an update on progress with the delivery of the Council's ambitious programme to boost tourism and inward investment?”


In response Councillor T J Bartlett stated:


“Thank you for your question and I - as I know the rest of the Council will equally - would be delighted to join you in celebrating the significant £18.1 million Levelling Up Fund grant we received for the regeneration of Dover Town Centre.  A successful application that was unanimously supported across the Council. 


This new town centre focused project and funding further complements the Council’s other part funded projects across Dover, such as the Future High Streets Fund Creative Centre and Underpass works; the National Lottery Heritage Fund Maison Dieu work; the Homes England and Department for Transport Fastrack project; as well as the recently completed Coastal Community Fund Market Square and, past, St James’s Retail & Leisure Park Development.


These developments in Dover, but equally many others across the District, all relate to Cabinet and this Council’s focus and ambition to drive growth and regeneration, as well as wider opportunities and benefits for the people we serve, through inward investment, place and tourism as catalysts for change.”                                                                 


There was no supplementary question asked.


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