To consider the attached report of the Director of Highways and Transportation, Kent County Council.
The Dover District Manager (Kent County Council Highways) (DDM) introduced the report which outlined proposals for a bus contraflow scheme in Pencester Road to support the new Dover Fastrack service which was due to start operating in spring 2024.
In response to queries from Councillor D G Cronk, the DDM confirmed that a pelican crossing would be installed in zone 1 (marked on the map attached at Appendix A to the report). However, it was not proposed to install a crossing where the road merged into one lane/continued down into Pencester Road. He advised that the proposals would be subject to a safety audit, but he would take comments back to the safety project team in the meantime. Councillor M Bates queried whether there would be a separate lane for cyclists and expressed concerns about their safety. The DDM commented that it appeared that cyclists would use the lane designated for buses, emergency vehicles and bicycles but promised to find out.
Councillor O C de R Richardson commented that, although the lane would be open to cyclists and buses, buses would not be using the lane all the time. He queried whether the parking spaces would be drop-off spaces for a 20-minute stay rather than full parking bays. He had received a lot of correspondence about the proposals and had been in touch with Dover Town Council about them. He urged Members to raise their concerns as part of the public consultation which would be open until 11 December. The DDM advised that waiting restrictions rather than parking bays were proposed. He stressed that the scheme was at an early stage of design and everything was out for consultation. He undertook to take comments back to the project manager.
Mr Mike Walters appreciated the aims of the contraflow proposal but was concerned about rigid buses having to get into tight spaces in Worthington Street. He understood that electric buses had been ordered and there was a waiting list for these. His view was that there was a high probability of accidents and personal injuries happening if electric buses were used. Mr Anthony Minns queried whether there was scope for restricting the speed of electric buses given the concerns raised. The DDM reminded Members that buses that were speeding were committing a road traffic offence. He undertook to report Members’ concerns about electric buses to the project team. Councillor M J Nee sought clarity about a raised kerb for buses to manoeuvre over and whether it had been included in a swept path analysis. The DDM advised that in zone 1 the old kerb line in Worthington Street was shown on the plan and he could see that there had been a realignment to take into account the results of the swept path analysis.
Councillor G Cowan commented that the proposal would take out all parking along Pencester Road, including taxi ranks. He asked whether the Pencester Road car park would also be removed. The Community and Transport Services Manager confirmed that the car park would stay as it was. However, it was agreed that clarification was needed in relation to how cars would enter and exit the car park. Councillor Cronk asked whether there would be penalties for misuse of the bus lane, particularly for cars crossing the lane to enter the car park. The DDM advised that, whilst it was an offence to misuse a bus lane, an allowance might be made for cars using the car park. Councillor D G Beaney commented that there was a blind spot for cars exiting the Pencester Road car park which presented a risk when many vehicles entering Pencester Road from the Maison Dieu Road junction did so at speed. He requested that the bus signage be placed further up the road.
In response to Councillor Bates, the DDM advised that if there were more than five objections to the proposals, a report would come to the Board for it to make a recommendation to Kent County Council (KCC). In response to Councillor D J Parks, he advised that there would be no vehicular restrictions outside the contraflow, and southbound traffic on Pencester Road would continue to operate as normal.
RESOLVED: (a) That the report be noted.
(b) That the Dover District Manager be requested to provide clarity on the points raised by Members.
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