Agenda item

Proposed Residents' Parking Schemes

To consider the attached report of the Director of Environment and Corporate Assets.


The Highways and Parking Team Leader presented the report which outlined proposals relating to the introduction of a residents’ parking scheme in Deal and two pay and display parking schemes in Deal and Dover.  


The Board was advised that formal public consultation on the Bridgeside scheme had been undertaken and a considerable number of objections had been received, primarily from residents in neighbouring roads.  The original petitioner had also submitted two further letters which had been circulated to Members before the meeting.   Many of the respondents did not object to the scheme per se, but were concerned about the potential impact on their roads and requested that the scheme be extended accordingly.  Members had the option of approving the scheme that had been recommended for consultation at the meeting held on 12 December 2013 or of consulting on an extended scheme to include additional roads.  


Several Members were of the opinion that it would be fairer to extend the scheme given its potential impact on surrounding roads.   However, this would delay the implementation of the original scheme which also seemed unfair on Bridgeside residents.  The Highways and Parking Team Leader clarified that the delay was likely to be at least six months whilst a review and consultation on an amended scheme was undertaken.


There was consensus that surrounding roads were already under considerable pressure, and the situation was likely to get worse once nearby housing developments were completed, and as demand for the high speed rail link increased.   Against this background, a review of the surrounding streets to understand parking pressures followed by consultation on a wider scheme appeared sensible.   In response to Councillor F J W Scales who referred to a recent planning application for a property in Church Path, the Highways and Parking Team Leader undertook to discuss with Richard Smith at KCC Highways and Transportation the feasibility of consulting DDC’s Highways and Parking team on relevant planning applications. 


The Head of Community Safety, CCTV and Parking advised Members that the proposals for Sondes Road were designed to provide additional parking spaces for non-residents in order to encourage visitors to the town, and provide a convenient place for them to park close to seafront amenities.   There were currently twenty bays in the street and removing six, as proposed, would leave an adequate number to cover the twelve permits issued to residents to date.  Several Members highlighted the pressure on parking spaces in Sondes Road, whilst Councillor Bano doubted that the proposal would support tourism in the town, given that it would remove some of the parking spaces available to guest houses in the road. 


In respect of proposals for on-street Pay and Display parking spaces at York Street, Councillors Brivio and G Cowan opposed the proposal, citing the danger of cars stopping to park in a fast-flowing lane, and commenting that it took no account of major development proposed nearby which would lead to a significant increase in traffic using this route.  Councillor Cronk questioned the wisdom of squeezing traffic into one lane along one of the main roads into Dover and suggested that this would lead to traffic backing up to the roundabout.  


Councillor Collor supported the proposal, stating that it was likely to calm traffic and would provide additional parking spaces to replace those lost when the Russell Street car park closed.  Councillor Scales added that York Street was no longer the busy road it used to be, and that it was common practice to have parking spaces in busy roads.  


RESOLVED:   It was agreed to recommend to Kent County Council:


(a)  That a Traffic Regulation Order be made to implement the proposed on-street Pay and Display parking along York Street, Dover, as detailed in the report. 


(b)  That the proposed Residents’ Parking Scheme for Bridgeside, Deal be implemented as detailed in the report, and Officers charged with drawing up proposals for an additional Residents’ Parking Scheme that would include neighbouring roads such as Albert Road, Middle Deal Road and Matthews Close.


(c)  That the proposed on-street Pay and Display parking in Sondes Road, Deal be withdrawn.


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