Agenda item

Highway Works Programme 2014/15

To consider the attached report of the Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste, Kent County Council.


Mr Rivers presented the report which updated Members on works that had been approved for construction in 2014/15.


In respect of Appendix A, Members were advised that works outside the flats at Crabble/Lewisham Road had been added to the programme, and works at Military Road, Dover had been completed on 3 and 4 July.  Beaconsfield Road, Deal works were due to start in the week commencing 28 August.   Mr Rivers undertook to check for Councillor Eddy on the status of works being carried out at Balfour Road which was being dug up.  Works at Swingfield which was just outside the district had been included in error.  Machine resurfacing at Crabble Hill was programmed to start on 12 and 13 August.   In respect of footway improvements to Folkestone Road at Hougham Without, the Board was advised that the contractor and officers were yet to assess the road to determine the extent of works needed and the road’s suitability for treatment, but further information would be circulated when known.


Members raised concerns about the absence of drainage information on KCC’s website.  Mr Rivers advised that the drainage review had been delayed by the drainage team being diverted to work on urgent issues that had arisen as a result of the December/January flooding.  He reminded Members that they had been informed at the last meeting that A, B and C roads and roads in rural areas would have their gullies cleaned annually.  Urban roads would be cleaned to a schedule based on highway inspection results. 


Councillor Eddy asked for updates on Albert Road, Kingsdown Road and Ranelagh Road, adding that it would be helpful to know when gullies/drains were due to be cleared so that any specific problems could be reported.   Mr Rivers undertook to check on these, and also to advise Councillor Manion when works to Cooting Road, Aylesham would be carried out and whether Homestead Lane was in Sutton rather than Dover as stated in the report.  It was agreed that KCC’s Drainage Manager should be invited to attend the next meeting to answer questions.


In respect of street lighting work, it was clarified that, like utilities companies and contractors, KCC had to book road space and apply for permits to carry out work on the highway.   Although KCC was waiting for road space to carry out works to London Road, Dover, he was confident that these would be completed by the end of July. 


With regards to the Member Highway Fund (MHF), the Board was advised that the brown tourism signs at the Drop Redoubt had been replaced, and the installation of a new bus shelter at St Richards Road had been completed.   In response to Councillor Scales who questioned the use of the MHF for routine maintenance work, Mr Rivers clarified that the MHF was designed to enable Members to progress schemes that would not otherwise be funded through the maintenance programme because they were a low priority.   


Councillor Eddy explained that he had used his MHF to improve the road surface on the A258 in preparation for the installation of ‘slow’ signs which were designed to address speeding problems.  The bus shelter in St Richards Road had been replaced as, whilst it had some life left in it, it lacked side panels which meant that the many elderly people who used the shelter got wet when it rained.  Councillor Rowbotham added that she and Councillor Eddy worked closely together in order to ensure that their funding was spent wisely and would achieve best value for money.   They were particularly mindful that the MHF should not be spent on routine maintenance that would otherwise be funded by KCC.


Councillor Bond raised serious concerns about the very poor condition of the A258 into Deal.  Mr Rivers advised that funding had been allocated from pothole monies for improvements, and a design and cost estimation were being prepared.  Councillor Lymer advised that he was not aware of the Alkham Valley and Whitfield Hill schemes included in his MHF and requested that they be removed.


RESOLVED:   That the report be noted.

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