Agenda item


Motions for which notice has been given are listed on the agenda in the order in which notice was received, unless the Member giving notice states, in writing, that they propose to move it at a later meeting or withdraw it.

If a Motion set out in the agenda is not moved by the Member who gave notice thereof it shall, unless postponed by consent of the Council, be treated as withdrawn and shall not be moved without fresh notice.

A Motion must be about matters for which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the District.


(1)  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor G Rapley will move:


"This Council considers that the people of Dover should receive either a new or re-developed leisure centre within the town of Dover. Options should be explored for either re-developing the facility on the existing site, or for constructing a new facility on a suitable alternative site close to the town centre.”


(2)  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor A S Pollitt will move:


“This Council agrees that private sector housing in the UK needs more regulation and reform. Consequently this Council requests that Government brings in legislation to outlaw rooms smaller than 6.5 square metres being let as bedrooms in multiple occupation properties.”


(1)  Motion from Councillor G Rapley


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor G Rapley gave notice of her intention to move the following Motion:


“This Council considers that the people of Dover should receive either a new or re-developed leisure centre within the town of Dover. Options should be explored for either re-developing the facility on the existing site, or for constructing a new facility on a suitable alternative site close to the town centre.”


The Motion was duly seconded.


An Amendment was moved by Councillor S F Bannister and duly seconded:


“This Council considers that the people of Dover District should receive either a new or re-developed leisure centre. Options should be explored for either re-developing the facility on the existing site, or for constructing a new facility on a suitable alternative site that is easily accessible to all.”


Following debate on the Amendment, Councillor G Rapley with the consent of her seconder and the meeting withdrew her original Motion.


(Councillor T A Bond declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in the Motion at Minute No. 59(1) by reason of his wife’s employment by Your Leisure and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of the matter.)


(2)  Election of a Chairman


In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman who withdrew from the meeting following their declarations of a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in the Motion at Minute No. 59(3), the Head of Democratic Services called for nominations for the Chairman for the next item of business.


It was proposed by Councillor M R Eddy and duly seconded that Councillor M I Cosin be elected Chairman for the next item of business.


It was proposed by Councillor F J W Scales and duly seconded that Councillor N J Collor be elected Chairman for the next item of business.


On being put to the meeting it was


RESOLVED: That Councillor M I Cosin be elected Chairman for the next item of business.


(3)  Motion from Councillor A S Pollitt


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13, Councillor A S Pollitt gave notice of his intention to move the following Motion:


“This Council agrees that private sector housing in the UK needs regulation and reform. Consequently this Council requests that Government brings in legislation to outlaw rooms smaller than 6.5 square metres being let as bedrooms in multiple occupation properties.”


An Amendment was moved by Councillor M R Eddy and duly seconded:


“This Council believes the government needs to legislate for greater powers to investigate and to enforce regulation in the private housing sector. To pay for this Dover District Council urges the government to look at Councillors who are major landlords in the sector and to impose a levy on local authority political Groups. We proposed a rate of £50 per property if members of a Group collectively own more than 20 houses between them.”


The Chairman ruled that the Amendment was not admissible as it displaced the original Motion.


In the absence of a valid Amendment the original Motion was put to the meeting and it was


RESOLVED:       This Council agrees that private sector housing in the UK needs regulation and reform. Consequently this Council requests that Government brings in legislation to outlaw rooms smaller than 6.5 square metres being let as bedrooms in multiple occupation properties.



(Councillor S S Chandler declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of her husband being a director in a company which owned privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor P I Carter declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor N Dixon declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor A Friend declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor D Hannent declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor P G Heath declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor N S Kenton declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor P S Le Chevalier declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor S M Le Chevalier declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of her ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor S C Manion declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor D P Murphy declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)


(Councillor P A Watkins declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) in Minute No. 59(3) by reason of his ownership of privately rented property and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that item of business.)