Agenda item

Proposed Bus-Stop Clearways - Palmerston Avenue, Walmer

To consider the attached report of the Policy and Strategy Manager, KCC Highways.


The Policy and Strategy Manager advised Members that, following a request from a resident, Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Transportation had drawn up proposals for, and consulted on the installation of, two bus-stop clearways in Palmerstone Avenue, opposite and adjacent to Wellesley Avenue.  Only one objection was received in relation to the clearway opposite Wellesley Avenue and this was being progressed.   However, the proposed clearway adjacent to Wellesley Avenue had received more objections, and the Board’s views were therefore being sought on how to proceed with this proposal. 


Members viewed a map which showed alternative locations, were the bus-stop adjacent to Wellesley Avenue to be moved.  However, as set out in paragraphs 3.2 to 3.4 of the report, these locations could potentially create a different set of problems.   KCC’s current policy was that bus-stops should not be moved unless there were extraordinary factors involved.  Accordingly, it was recommended that the bus-stop clearway should be installed at the current location, as originally proposed.


Having attended a site meeting in Palmerston Avenue that morning, Councillor E D Rowbotham voiced her opposition to the proposal since it would make parking for residents in Palmerston Avenue even more difficult.  Buses were stopping further along, near Balfour Road, in order to pick up passengers safely anyway.   Given that the current bus-stop was merely a sign on a lamp-post, it would be easy to move the stop nearer Balfour Road.   She requested that costings for the proposed clearway and a new bus-stop be provided, and expressed concerns that Members had not been informed of the proposals earlier.   Councillor M R Eddy advised that the combination of scarce parking and bus movements did not make for a good combination in Palmerston Avenue.  There was very little on-street parking in the road and a clearway would restrict this even further.    He was of the view that the proposal should be deferred as Members needed more information on the options available and their cost and impact on residents.  


Councillor R J Frost raised concerns that a new bus-stop at the Kelvedon Road location would not serve the no 83 bus.  He was opposed to the current location since it would take up valuable parking spaces.  Although moving the stop towards Balfour Road would cost more money, it would achieve maximum parking for residents as well as maximum convenience for bus users.   Councillor T A Bond was disappointed that Members had not been consulted.  He thought the existing bus-stop was in the wrong place and agreed with others that the lack of parking should be taken into account.


The Policy and Strategy Manager apologised that Members had not been consulted on the proposals.  KCC was open to looking at alternative options, such as moving the stop nearer Balfour Road.  It was clarified that the proposals were not driven by cost; Officers had kept the stop at its existing location because this was in line with KCC’s current policy.  Officers would be happy to consider another location if it proved more practical.


RESOLVED:   (a)        That a site meeting be held for Members.


                        (b)        That the proposal be deferred in order for Officers to explore

                                 alternative options, including moving the bus-stop from its

                                 current location to nearer Balfour Road, and to provide 

                                 costings for these options in a report to the Board.  

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