
Planning Committee Chairman


Purpose of Role:


To chair meetings of the Council's Planning Committee in accordance with the Committee's terms of reference; to provide leadership and direction to the Committee and open and transparent decision making on planning applications brought to Committee.


Duties and responsibilities (in addition to those of a Chairman of a Committee:


(a)  At all times to use their own discretion and act in the interests of Dover District and not of their political group.

(b)  To be fully conversant with the procedure for public speaking at Committee and to ensure that all parties are given an equal opportunity to express their views within that procedure.

(c)  Whenever possible to attend and chair site visits, ensuring that the correct procedure is followed and all parties are given an equal opportunity to express their views within that procedure so that Members obtain the necessary information from the visit.

(d)  To act in consultation with the Chief Executive and/or Head of Regeneration and Development in respect of decisions taken in accordance with the Ordinary Decisions (Council Business) Urgency Procedure and to bring such decisions to the attention of the Committee.

(e)  To maintain and update a working knowledge of Town and Country Planning matters, Planning Policy Guidance and Planning Policy Statements, the Council's Local Development Framework, and other policies and practices affecting applications for planning permission which come before Committee.


Specific skills required (in addition to those of a Chairman of a Committee):


·         Clear understanding of Council's development control function, planning application procedures and processes.

·         Working knowledge of Town and Country Planning laws and relevant planning policies.

·         Understanding of the Local Development Framework process.

·         Ability to conduct site visits

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