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Declarations of interest
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Select a committee
Appeals Committee
Appointments Committee
Charity Committee
Chief Officer Appointment Comm
Climate Change Project Advisor
Commercial Investment Project
Council Tax Benefit Review Boa
Decision Notices
Developer Contributions Execut
Dispensation Sub-Committee
Dover Beacon and Dover Town Re
Dover District Locality Board
Dover Impact Joint Committee
Dover Joint Transportation Adv
Dover Leisure Centre Project A
East Kent (Joint Arrangements)
East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Com
East Kent Housing Owners Commi
East Kent Services Committee
Electoral Matters Committee
Extraordinary Council
Finance, Land and General Purp
General Exception Notices
General Purposes Committee
Governance Committee
Governance Committee - Hearing
Health and Housing Committee
Hearing Sub-Committee
Homelessness Project Advisory
Housing Benefit Review Board
Investigating and Disciplinary
Investment Advisory Group
Joint Appointments Committee
Kent and Medway Police Crime P
Land Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Policy Advisory Comm
Licensing Sub-Committee
Local Plan Project Advisory Gr
Notice of Exempt Cabinet Meeti
Notice of Forthcoming Key Deci
Overview and Scrutiny Committe
Personnel Committee
Planning Committee
Policy and Resources Committee
Policy and Services Committee
Project Advisory Group (Dover
Project Advisory Group (St Jam
Regulatory Committee
Residential Investment Project
Scrutiny (Audit and Performanc
Scrutiny (Community and Regene
Scrutiny (Environment and Tran
Scrutiny (Performance) Committ
Scrutiny (Policy and Performan
Scrutiny Co-ordination Sub-Com
Scrutiny Committee
Selection Committee
South Kent Coast Health and We
Special Cabinet
Standards Committee
Strategic Housing Executive Co
Technical Services Committee
Thanet and Dover Joint Compute
Tides Leisure Centre Project A
Tides Project Advisory Group
Bias and Predetermination
Declarations relating to Secti
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Other Significant Interest
Voluntary Announcement of Othe
Back, James Back
Bartlett, Trevor Bartlett
Bates, Martin Bates
Beaney, David Beaney
Beer, Susan Beer
Biggs, Edward Biggs
Blair, Stacey Blair
Brivio, Pamela Brivio
Cowan, Gordon Cowan
Cronk, David Cronk
Friend, Dan Friend
Hibbert, Martin Hibbert
Hill, Susan Hill
Kenton, Nicholas Kenton
Knight, Roger Knight
Loffman, Jeff Loffman
Mamjan, Shehrazade Maria Mamj
Manion, Stephen Manion
Mills, Kevin Mills
Moorhouse, Mark Moorhouse
Murphy, Derek Murphy
Nee, Michael Nee
Parks, Daniel Parks
Porter, Martin Porter
Pout, Jamie Pout
Richardson, Oliver Richardson
Rose, Mark Rose
Vinson, Chris Vinson
Williams, Helen Williams
Woodgate, Charles Woodgate
Wright, Lynne Wright
Zosseder, Charlotte Zosseder
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period