Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; and (h) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
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Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: It was noted that there were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Record of Decisions The decisions of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 5 February 2024 numbered CAB 69 to CAB 79 (inclusive) are attached. Minutes: It was agreed that the decisions of the meeting held on 5 February 2024, as detailed in decision numbers CAB 69 to CAB 79, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
To consider the attached report of the Section 151 Officer.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment Minutes: It was agreed that the report be noted and taken into account when considering the Budget 2024/25 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024/25-2027/28.
Council Budget 2024/25 and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024/25-2027/28 To consider the report of the Strategic Director (Finance and Housing) (to follow).
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) It was agreed:
(i) That, subject to Council approving the 2024/25 budget, the grants to other organisations, as set out in Annex 9, be approved as follows:
Grants to Concessionary Rentals 2024/25 - £30,125 Various Grants towards rentals/lease charges:
Sandwich Tennis Club - £50 Aylesham Parish Council - £75 Dover Bowling Club - £225 Victoria Park Bowling Club - £355 Deal & Walmer Angling Club - £325 Capel-le-Ferne Parish Council - £450 Dover Rugby Football Club - £1,255 Dover Rugby Football Club - £1,750 Dover Athletic Football Club - £2,500 Dover Athletic Football Club - £8,000 Dover District Citizens’ Advice Bureau - £11,800 Cross Links - £3,250 Model Boat Association - £120
Financial Assistance Payments to Other Outside Bodies:
Your Leisure - £117,440 Budget for Tides Leisure Centre, increased by 6% in line with Consumer Price Index
Pegasus Playscheme - £1,500 Provision of a playscheme for children with disabilities
Age Concern - £1,500 Provision of area office services
Kent County Council - £3,000 Contribution to Sports Partnership
Gazen Salts Nature Reserve - £4,500 To assist in managing and maintaining the reserve
Sandwich Town Cricket Club - £20,688 To assist the club in defraying its expenditure in managing, maintaining and improving the recreation grounds at The Butts and Gazen Salts.
Dover Outreach Centre - £10,000 Grant towards the Winter Shelter costs
Dover Rugby Club - £15,600 For grounds maintenance at Crabble Athletic Ground
Victoria Bowls - £1,000 Contribution towards running expenses
Dover Bowling Club - £1,000 Grant towards grounds maintenance at Dover Bowling Green
Dover District Citizens’ Advice Bureau - £111,850 £101,850 Core Funding grant including £10,500 from Housing Revenue Account, plus £8,500 for full service charge contribution and £1,500 other potential services
Neighbourhood Forums - £22,500 Grant to support voluntary and community organisations
Deal Town Council - £5,000 Astor Theatre grant
Action with Communities in Rural Kent - £3,500 Contribution to rural housing
(ii) That the various Cabinet recommendations produced at the end of the sections within the budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and summarised in Annex 10 to Appendix 1 of the report be approved.
(b) It was agreed that it be recommended to Council:
(i) That the General Fund Revenue Budget, the Capital and Special Projects Programmes, the Housing Revenue Account Budget, the Council Tax Resolution and the content of the MTFP be approved.
(ii) That the Strategic Director (Finance and Housing), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment, be authorised to draw on the Earmarked Smoothing Reserve to meet in-year variations in the budget.
(iii) That a Council Tax increase of 2.98% for Dover District Council (DDC) purposes be approved, resulting in an increase on Band D properties of £6.21 per year and an annual DDC Council Tax of £214.38.
(iv) That it be noted that it is the opinion of the Section 151 Officer that the Council’s budget has been prepared on a rigorous and robust basis and the Council’s reserves are sufficient for its immediate needs. However, it ... view the full minutes text for item 84. |
Housing Revenue Account Rent-Setting Policy To consider the attached report of the Head of Housing.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Education Additional documents:
Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the content of the proposed Policy be approved.
(b) That the adoption of the proposed Housing Revenue Account Rent-Setting Policy be approved.
(c) That the Strategic Director (Finance and Housing), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Education, be authorised to make future minor amendments to the Policy as required.
EKS Service Transition Business Case To consider the attached report of the Interim EKS Service Transition Manager.
Responsibility: Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the Council should exit from the contract with Civica UK Limited for the delivery of revenue, benefits and customer services.
(b) That the Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo) service delivery vehicle be approved as the preferred option for future service delivery.
(c) That the business case for the LATCo, pursuant to Article 2(2)(b) of the Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to trade) (England) Order 2009, be approved.
(d) That the East Kent Services Committee, to the extent that it is not otherwise authorised to do so, be authorised to exercise the powers and functions of the Council to form the LATCo and to enter into the contract with it to include (but not limited to) making decisions on behalf of the Council in relation to the matters set out in paragraph 9 of the report. |
Implementation of Consolidated Income System To consider the report of the Head of Finance and Investment (to follow).
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Transport, Licensing and Environmental Services Minutes: It was agreed that the purchase of additional modules in TechnologyOne to replace Adelante and Pay360, and to take all necessary actions to deliver the project, including awarding the contract, be approved. |
Additional Funding for New Bridge at The Butts, Sandwich To consider the attached report of the Head of Property Assets.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Community and Property Minutes: It was agreed that, due to the presence of water voles, an additional £25,000 from the Special Revenue Contingency budget for the construction of a new bridge be approved. |
Strategic Performance Dashboard - Third Quarter 2023/24 To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed that the Council’s Strategic Performance Dashboard for the Third Quarter 2023/24 be noted. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The recommendation is attached.
MATTERS WHICH THE MANAGEMENT TEAM SUGGESTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN PRIVATE AS THE REPORT CONTAINS EXEMPT INFORMATION AS DEFINED WITHIN PART 1 OF SCHEDULE 12A OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 AS INDICATED AND IN RESPECT OF WHICH THE PROPER OFFICER CONSIDERS THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN MAINTAINING THE EXEMPTION OUTWEIGHS THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN DISCLOSING THE INFORMATION Minutes: That, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000, the press and the public be excluded during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Dover Beacon (Bench Street East) Project To consider the attached report of the Head of Place and Growth.
Responsibility: Leader of the Council Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the award of the first-stage design and build contract (Preconstruction Services Agreement) to Jenner Contractors Limited be approved.
(b) That a package of further surveys and design work as described in the report, releasing Levelling Up Fund and Future High Streets Fund grant funding that has already been received to cover the costs, be approved.
(c) That the Strategic Director (Place and Environment) be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to take all decisions and actions necessary that do not increase the costs of the project to progress it up to, but not including, the award of the second stage design and build construction contract(s), subject to all actions being in accordance with the memorandums of understanding with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and, where appropriate, with the oversight of the Dover Beacon and Dover Town Regeneration Project Advisory Group.
Remediation and Decontamination Works at Poulton Close, Dover To consider the attached report of the Head of Housing.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Education Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the Council enters into a contract with Vertase FLI Ltd for the sum set out in the report, using funding accepted via the Brownfield Land Release Fund Round 2 (BLRF R2), to undertake remediation works at the development site in order to facilitate the delivery of 24 flats for temporary accommodation.
(b) That future decisions regarding the acceptance of BLRF R2 funding, the detailed appointment of the contractor and entering into the works contract be delegated to the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Education.
Award of Contract for Repointing and Associated Works to Council Dwellings To consider the attached report of the Head of Property Assets.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Education Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the award of the 2-year contract for repointing and associated works to Council dwellings to AW Construction Services Limited, for the sum set out in the report, be approved, subject to the 30-day notice period required by Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 and the Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) Regulations 2003.
(b) That the Strategic Director (Place and Environment) be authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Education, to have the function of having regard to observations in relation to the proposals to award a contract agreement as required by Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 and the Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) Regulations 2003, and to confirm the award of the contract (or report further to Cabinet) as he considers appropriate.