Not all meetings are broadcast. The meetings that will be broadcast are as follows: (a) Council; (b) Cabinet; (c) Dover Joint Transportation Advisory Board; (d) General Purposes Committee; (e) Electoral Matters Committee; (f) Governance Committee; (g) Planning Committee; and (h) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
For those meetings that are being broadcast there will be a link to view the live broadcast under the ‘Media’ heading below. Only those items not restricted on the agenda will be broadcast.
Guidance on how to watch live broadcasts of meetings.
The link to view a recording of a meeting that was broadcast can be found on the Council’s YouTube channel (@doverdc)
Venue: Council Chamber. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item | ||
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: It was noted that there were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 55 KB To receive any declarations of interest from Members in respect of business to be transacted on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Record of Decisions PDF 157 KB The decisions of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 4 December 2023 numbered CAB 50 to CAB 57 (inclusive) are attached. Minutes: It was agreed that the decisions of the meeting held on 4 December 2023, as detailed in decision numbers CAB 50 to CAB 57, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Strategic Performance Dashboard - Second Quarter 2023/24 PDF 53 KB To consider the attached recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation, made at its meeting held on 11 December 2023 (Minute No 75), be approved as follows:
That the Cabinet explores changing the status of the high-speed road network to special road status in order to obtain assistance in funding cleansing.
(b) That the initial communication about this matter should be in the form of an open letter to the minister.
Risk Management Strategy PDF 90 KB To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment Additional documents:
Minutes: It was agreed to recommend to Council that the new Risk Management Strategy and accompanying toolkit be adopted. |
Public Spaces Protection Order PDF 112 KB To consider the attached report of the Community Services, Asylum & Transport Manager and the Port Health and Public Protection Manager.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holders for Community & Corporate Property and Transport, Licensing & Environmental Services Additional documents:
Minutes: It was agreed that, having regard to the conditions within Section 59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the variation of the Public Spaces Protection Order (Dover District Council) 2022 be approved. |
Fees and Charges 2024/25 PDF 95 KB To consider the attached report of the Head of Finance and Investment.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance, Climate Change and Environment Additional documents:
Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the Fees and Charges (F&Cs) for 2024/25, as set out in Appendices 2.1 to 2.14 and 5.1 (except for the Section 106 Monitoring Fee which has been approved by the Planning Committee) and 5.3 be approved.
(b) That any F&Cs will be adjusted by Strategic Directors, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders, to comply with any subsequently received government guidelines (when they are received) and any other minor changes made without being the subject of a further report unless they are materially different from current charges or have a material impact on the level of income.
(c) That the general principle that fees are set at an appropriate inclusive level, irrespective of VAT status, and that the VAT element within the overall fee level is then determined, be approved.
(d) That the fees and charges approved separately by the Licensing and Regulatory Committees, as set out in Appendices 3.1 to 3.4, be noted.
Review of On and Off-Street Parking Charges PDF 91 KB To consider the attached report of the Strategic Director (Finance and Housing)
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Community & Corporate Property
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the outcome of the annual review of parking charges be noted.
(b) That, subject to the exceptions outlined in (c), the proposed parking charge options set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.
(c) That the following proposals be deferred pending the outcome of the strategic review of parking across the district scheduled to be carried out in 2024/25:
· Introduction of charging in four rural car parks (namely Reach Road, St Margaret’s-at-Cliffe; High Street, Ash; High Street, Eastry and High Street, Wingham) and Borrow Pit car park and Victoria Park car park
· Introduction of charging for the application and installation of on-street disabled parking bays
(d) That each of the Transport and Parking Services Manager and the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community and Corporate Property, be authorised to take all necessary legal and procedural processes to give effect to the agreed recommendations set out in Appendix 1, including the giving of notices and the making or amendment of any orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and, also, the making of arrangements with Dover Harbour Board pursuant to Section 33(4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Review of Member Catering Provision PDF 86 KB To consider the attached report of the Head of Corporate Services and Democracy.
Responsibility: Leader of the Council Minutes: It was agreed that Option 3 (tea/coffee/biscuits/juice) be approved in respect of providing catering at future Council and committee meetings. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 51 KB The recommendation is attached.
MATTERS WHICH THE MANAGEMENT TEAM SUGGESTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN PRIVATE AS THE REPORT CONTAINS EXEMPT INFORMATION AS DEFINED WITHIN PART 1 OF SCHEDULE 12A OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 AS INDICATED AND IN RESPECT OF WHICH THE PROPER OFFICER CONSIDERS THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN MAINTAINING THE EXEMPTION OUTWEIGHS THE PUBLIC INTEREST IN DISCLOSING THE INFORMATION Minutes: That, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000, the press and the public be excluded during consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Sale of Guide Hut at Land Adjoining 107 Sandwich Road, Whitfield To consider the attached report of the Head of Property Assets.
Responsibility: Portfolio Holder for Community and Corporate Property Minutes: It was agreed:
(a) That the sale of the land to the person referred to in the report and on the terms outlined therein be approved.
(b) That the Strategic Director (Place and Environment) be authorised to agree detailed terms for the disposal, acting in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community and Corporate Property. |